Friday, September 6, 2019

Observe The Sabbath IV: No One Is To Work, Deuteronomy 5:14b

Observe The Sabbath IV: No One Is To Work

Deuteronomy 5:14b On it you shall not do any work, neither you nor your son or daughter, nor your manservant or maidservant, nor your ox, your donkey, nor any of your animals, nor the aliens within your gates, so that you manservants and maidservants may rest, as you do.

This is straight forward: Do not do any work on the Sabbath, Not you, not your children, and not those who work for you. God even went as far as to say that those living among you must not work. That is pretty comprehensive: no one is to be working even if they aren't Israelites and not even your animals.

But what is considered work? Jesus helped to clarify that for some who were polluting God's Law. He basically said, look, David did what was unlawful when it was a necessity, and my disciples did as well. He also said, if someone else is in great need, it is proper to help them.

K and A, I believe my generation has polluted many things in the Scriptures, and I believe your generation has embraced what we have taught. K you have not had tight upbringing on this subject... I ask you to reconsider and read what the Bible has to say on the subject, not what you see good people do. What I am teaching you is not some new and strange teaching. It wasn't until the 70's that stores began to be open on Sunday. It was then that church people started to go out to eat and soon after go to the stores themselves. Did you know there are states that restrict Sunday sales on some items, like cars, yet today!

You say, but that was nearly 50 years ago... so its been nearly 2000 years since Christ spoke on the subject, and we are just now figuring out what he meant by it... are we that narcissistic to think we are now somehow more enlightened?! 

Daughters, stick to this... God said, do not do any work or have others do it for you. Jesus clarified God's command and said of course you should help those in need, including yourself. I say, follow their decrees and consider doing nothing that can be done another day. Pulling weeds, mowing lawn, changing oil, washing the car, going out to eat - making others work, etc... I even caution you on travelling on Sundays and  going to sporting events. We do a lot of things and then call them good so we can say, Jesus said we can do good on the Sabbath! Don't make excuses to see what you can get away with. Live in a way that seek to satisfy God and his Word.


Note: 2 examples of  a warped church

We had a pastor who preached you can do anything on Sunday that you do any other day! Now one of our attendees often doesn't come in the summer, because he has to bale hay... he never did before that sermon. I know that first hand. It is sad.

The same pastor skipped church to attend a college football game for his nephew... family time is necessary he said.

These are not just examples of breaking the Sabbath, but they show how the church is affected by those in leadership and are given a reasons to make excuses for themselves of why not to keep the Sabbath.

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