Wednesday, September 18, 2019

More Than Words, Deuteronomy 5:27

More Than Words

Deuteronomy 5:27Go near and listen to all that the Lord our God tells you. We will listen and obey.

After the people of Israel heard the voice of God delivery the Ten Commandments from the out of the fire, they were fearful. Apparently the whole mountain appeared to be on fire, and they thought it would consume them. They asked Moses if he would speak with the Lord and be an intermediary for them... You listen to the Lord, then tell us what he says, and we will obey.

The people of Israel were a finicky bunch. Moaning and complaining, committed then weak, These people seemed to be committed only in word and failed to fully trust the Lord. We must learn from their example. As the Israelites heard from the Lord, they believed what he said was good, but they couldn't see that God was good and would protect them. God spoke to them, not in a vision, not through an intermediary, but thunderously through the fire. Certainly, this was an awesome sight. One that would cause you to have reverence and a degree of fear. They recognized his law was good and wanted to hear more from God, but they did not want to be close to him. That was for somebody else. They tasted the Lord and he was good, but they could not take refuge in him.

K and A, It is common for people to go to church throughout their life and never really be committed to the Lord. Any real encounter with the Lord scares them, and they do not want to "go through" with him. An association with Christ is enough for them. But you, be willing to fully trust the Lord. There have been times for me when the commitment God called me to seemed bigger than I could handle, but I have found that victory and peace comes in following his ways. Understand, daughters, that being a Chrstian is much more than just salvation. You are to go on from there unto perfection. It more than just saying, I believe in Jesus Christ.


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