Saturday, September 14, 2019

Do Not Lie II, Deuteronomy 5:19

Do Not Lie, II

Deuteronomy 5:19 You shall not bear false testimony against your neighbor.

A little sick today so Friday's post is coming out on Saturday...

I wanted to talk a little about more about lying. In what ways do people lie?

Little White Lies These, no matter how good the intention are untrue statements and often lead to greater lies.
  • Did you do your homework last night? Yes, but I left it on the table. You had never done you homework
  • Are you coming to the picnic? No, I'm not feeling well. You feel fine you just don't want to go.
  • Come along, Mom. We'll go to their anniversary celebration. Actually it was a surprise birthday party for her.
Lies of Protection These lies are set to protect someone, yourself or others, Similar to white lies, these are still falsehoods. Sad thing is they normally create a larger issue than they were that must be dealt with later, when it could have been settled at the beginning with minor pain on either side.
  • Is your father there, says the boss on the phone. He's not here right now. Really, your dad just doesn't want to be called into work, and you are protecting his name on the call in list.
  • Is Sally there? No, she had to go out to the store with her dad. Actually, she can't stand her "friend" but doesn't want to hurt her feelings.
  • Do you want to go get something to eat together? No, I'm not really hungry. Sadly you don't have the nerve to tell him you can't stand him. 
Direct Lies These lies most people believe are wrong yet some do them anyway.
  • Anyone see my hacksaw? George, did you see it? No, I don't even know what it looks like. You stole it while he was at lunch.
  • Did you tattle on me? No! Liar, Jordan said you told him and that you were going to tell the boss! He's lying. I didn't say that! You are caught but you make up other lies to cover it up.
K and A, there are all kinds of lies. I just wanted to spark your mind into thinking about the things you have said, or heard others say. Remember that all liars have their place in the lake of fire! That is an important truth we cannot deny. As I said in my last post, we don't have to blabber all the brutal truth, but when we are confronted directly, we must never tell an untruth!


Here is an example of not telling the whole truth yet being honest to keep from saying an untruth...

I once was working for a farmer. He needed a special breaker I did not have and was a special order item. Later, when I went to his place to work he asked if I had the breaker... I had not ordered it, but I should have y then. So, trying to protect myself I said, it is not in yet. That is not untrue, but when he asked did I order it... I had to say no, I hadn't. Doing otherwise was certainly a lie that God would held me accountable for! Be careful not to lie, eternity depends on it. You may save face now but loose your soul forever!

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