Monday, October 31, 2016

Genesis 4:8, Passed Down

Passed Down

Genesis 4:8 And Cain said to his brother Abel, Let's go out into the field." And while they were in the field, Cain attacked his brother Abel and killed him.

Let's go out into the field, he said. Seemed innocent enough. who was it that made Cain sin. Who pushed him to attack his brother and kill him. Romans 5:12 tells us that, because Adam sinned, all of mankind would be born with sin. We see this with Cain. Sin was passed down to Adam's son and the first murder takes place. He didn't have any bad friends, he didn't succumb to peer pressure. No, evil was already in his heart. It didn't take much to convince him to act. When his offering was rejected by God, he took it out on his brother. Kill him, and God will accept you was Satan's lie, and Cain believed it. Evil took action and Able was murdered.

There used to be an excuse given back in the 60's, "The Devil made me do it." Satan doesn't make you do it. It is your choice. Sure he tempts you and convinces you it's the best way... but you choose, you act. Sin is natural for man, but Christ came so we could have a new nature, one that chooses God's way instead of Satan's.

Daughters, Jesus made it possible for you not to sin. Find forgiveness for Adam's penalty through his sacrifice. Then put to death the evil deeds of the body by yielding the parts of your body to the Spirit (Ro 6) Then, you can live as God designed, honoring him in all you say and do. You will be able to master sin as God desires you to.


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