Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Upper Room Facility, Acts 1:13a

Upper Room Facilities

Acts 1:13a When they arrived, they went upstairs to the room where they were staying

The disciples had spent times with Jesus in the Upper Room. Before Jesus went back to heaven, he had told to go there and wait until the Spirit had clothed them (Luke 24:49). The obeyed and went there with desire.

They desired Fellowship, Fullness, and Favor.

Daughters, what is your desire in life? Do you spend the time necessary with God to be fill of his Spirit? Doing so will bring favor from God, life will be sweet, and take on deep meaning. Spend time with him in your upper room today.


Sunday, February 26, 2017

I AM... I Will, Exodus 6:1 - 8

I AM, I Will

Exodus 6:6 “Therefore, say to the Israelites: ‘I am the Lord, and I will bring you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians. I will free you from being slaves to them, and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with mighty acts of judgment.

God made a promise to Abram to give him the land of Canaan (Genesis 13:14 & 15). While the people of Israel lost all hope, God would keep his promise and raised up Moses. Pharoah rejected Moses' request with increased hardships and he and the Hebrews list all hope. But God talks... The I Am says he will and then he does!

A and K, when God promises, he follows through. He will keep his promises to you and carry out his way in your life. Trust him. Don't turn your back on him. Seek him out and you will find him faithful. I have experienced his grace. You can to for he is the I Am.


Saturday, February 25, 2017

Wise Thought: Dont't Walk with Evil, Proverbs 414

Don't Walk with Evil

Proverbs 4:14 Do not set foot on the path of the wicked or walk in the way of evil men

It's easy to walk with the crowd. Opposition of the world pushes against those who walk God's way. If we aren't vigilant, we will walk with them. There are many who desire to walk with Christ but find it difficult. Others want too, but think that walking with the world is the way Christ walked.

Daughters, avoid the path of the wicked. The way is dark and you will certainly stumble (vs 18). Instead walk with the wise who avoid all that appears evil. Seek righteousness and you will find that although the road may seem difficult as you walk against the crowd, but you will find that the journey is as satisfying as the destination you desire.


Thursday, February 23, 2017

A Place Prepared, 2 Chronicles 7:1

A Place Prepared

2 Chronicles 7:1 When Solomon finished praying, fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices, and the glory of the Lord filled the temple.

Sacrifices were offers to the Lord during the dedication of the temple.  God was so pleased with all that took place, that he supplied the fire for the offering. Then he took up residence in the placed prepared for him.

K and A, have you prepared a place in your heart for the Lord to take up residence.  Build a special place for him, redo your heart, make the sacrifices in your life that most are not willing to take to please him.  God will see how you want him and will fill you with his Spirit and you will never be the same!


Wednesday, February 22, 2017


I wrote one yesterday but disappeared, humph... and it was good to. But I can't remember what it was.

Whose Are You, Joshua 5:2 - 9

Whose Are You

Joshua 5:9 Then the LORD said to Joshua, "Today I have rolled away the reproach of Egypt from you." So the place has been called Gilgal to this day.

Circumcision was a covenant between God and Abraham and subsequently the people of Israel. It was a promise that they would inherit the land of Canaan and would becomes many nations, forever. In Egypt the Israelites began to believe the covenant was void. For over 300 years, they were slaves and no change was in sight. But, now they were in the Promise Land, and God reinstated the covenant he made with Abraham. Finally the reproach of Egypt could be put behind them.

Daughters, you are a child of God. He promised you a future land flowing with milk and honey. Never forget whose you are. If you are not right with him, circumcise your heart (Dt 30:6) and love the Lord your God and you will live like never before, for you are God's, never forget it.


Monday, February 20, 2017

Quick Note: Grow in Grace, 2nd Peter 3:18

Grow in Grace

Grace: gifts given to us by God. Not because we deserve them, but because he loves us. Often referring to salvation. jpb

Daughters, in 2nd Peter 3:18, Peter tells you that you need to grow in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ in order that you will not be fooled by those who twist the Scriptures which will cause you to live unworthy lives and lose your salvation. This is s big problem today in the church just add it was in Peter's time. So grow up in your faith and keep your heart in sync with God, so you don't shrink back.


Sunday, February 19, 2017

Quick note, When Will Jesus Come

When Will Jesus Come

Matthew 24

My Sunday school lesson today dealt with this issue.  It was from Matthew 24. Jesus said, he will come back soon, quickly, unexpectedly, and for those doing his work

He will come in the last days when most are busy with life and not looking for his return. But remember that he will come for us individually the same way.

Are we living for Jesus all the time, or like the servant Jesus spoke about in chapter 24. He was busy living life with those in the world.  Only those busy living for him well go to heaven. The others will be thrown outside where there will be willing and nashing of teeth.

It's my prayer, daughters, that you are living for Jesus every moment. You never know when he'll come for you. You just know he will. Be ready!


Saturday, February 18, 2017

Full Surrender, 1 Kings 19:24

Full Surrender

1 Kings 19:24 So Elisha left him and went back. He took his yoke of oxen and slaughtered them. He burned the plowing equipment to cook the meat and gave it to the people, and they ate it. Then, he set out to follow Elijah and began his attendant.

Elijah had just signaled to Elisha that Elisha was to be his successor. He immediately turned to follow Elijah and asked to say goodbye to his family. He knew that he may never see them again and need to say a final goodbye. The other thing Elisha did was to sever all ties to his past. He took his livelihood and crucified it by slaughtering his oxen and cooked them as an offering. What just happened? Elisha just did was to make it difficult to return to the past. He totally surrendered to his new life, no turning back!

A and K, crucify your the past. Paul said we are to crucify our flesh, our earthy nature (Gal. 5:24), Jesus said to take up our cross and follow him (Lk. 9:23).  You must not look back at the joys of the world, as Lot's wife did, and desire their pleasure and evil ways. No, you are to crucify yourself and all that hinders you from following him. Make a concerted effort stand and never return. Be totally sold out to his way. Ladies, his disciples do not mix worldly things into their spiritual and physical lives. They know they could not stand. You have been called to live for him, slaughter what will keep you from being fully surrendered to him.


Friday, February 17, 2017

Wise Thought: Discipline is Love, Proverbs 3:11

Discipline is Love

Proverbs 3:11 My son, do not despise the Lord's discipline and do not resent his rebuke, because the Lord disciplines those he loves as a father the son he delights in.

When we do wrong, the Lord corrects us. In yesterday's blog we saw this truth with King Amaziah. Like the first king of Israel, he rejected the rebuke and paid the price of losing his kingship. We need to understand that correction and discipline from the Lord is for our own good, a preparation of our soul to be ready for entry into the kingdom of God. He desires each of us to stay true to his Word which shows us the way of holiness. His love for us shows how he delights in us.

K and A, I delight in you and have disciplined you both, often verbally and sometimes physically. I have desired you to follow in my footsteps as I follow Christ, walking the straight and narrow. Thankfully you have chosen to seek the Lord yourselves. Fathers move from commanding obedience to hoping their teachings took hold.. Although they still suggest ways to walk, their children become owners of their own choices and the outcome it brings. God has become their father, and he will discipline them as he sees fit.

K, soon you will fall under the authority of your husband. You will give your love to him and submit to his will. He is to guide you and walk the narrow road for you to follow. Together, you will be taught by God and when you fail to walk in obedience to him he will set you straight.

A, you have yet to commit to someone else's authority. Choose wisely the one to whom you give your love. For it is not only the hardships of this life that matters, but your entrance into the next that he will affect. Pray and seek God's choice for the one you will be commit to for life. You will become one with him to serve the Lord for the rest of you life.

Daughters, sometimes I find God's disciple confusing. He does not paddle you right after you do wrong. You are not always sure right away if your problems are a result of someone else or for your own sin. But, I am confidant that God will make it clear to you, if you desire his way. Know that he will discipline you, for he loves you, just like my daughters I delight in.


Thursday, February 16, 2017

No Other Gods, 2 Chronicles 25:14 - 20

No Other Gods

2 Chronicles 25:20 Amaziah, however would not listen, for God so worked that he might hand them over to Jehoash, because they sought the gods of Edom.

We all know the first of the Ten Commandments, You Shall Have No Other Gods Before Me (Ex 20:3). In this verse, we see that, because Amaziah did evil in God's sight and then would not listen to a prophet, God brought about his destruction. God had just blessed him by helping him conquer Edom. But Amaziah brought back the gods of Edom and thanked and worshipped them... Crazy?... Crazy!

What I want to stress here is the fact that God works out situations for his own ends. Certainly, all things work out for the good... but only for those who love God and are called according to his purpose (Ro 8:28)! We cannot break God's rules and expect blessings. Jesus said that we are to give a tithe (Mat 23:23), his father also said we are to give it (Dt 14:22). Why do so many keep it for their own use? We'll save tithing for another day... what I am saying is that when we now how we are to follow God and fail to do so, God will remind us of his commands, his expectations - if that makes you feel better. If we choose not to listen to his correction and repent, he will NOT work in all things for the good... rather he will so work in all things for the bad. That doesn't sound good, right? I guess that is why so many  people like to quote Romans 8:28 when bad things happen in their lives. It sounds much better.

A and K, when God said thou Shall Not... that's what he meant. Amaziah had just been blessed by God but took his blessings and used them in evil practices. Don't be like some who celebrate something good that happened by participating in evil. I have seen "christians" rejoice by eating, drinking and dancing, and by partying to the world's music. Then when "bad things happen to good people" they wonder why God would allow it? Others come by and say things like, every cloud has a silver lining, All things turn out for the good, Just wait till you see how God blesses you through this. But, rarely do they look inward.

Daughters, God's is not like man that he should lie, that he should change his mind (Nu 23:19). His laws stand true yet today, and he will repay for the sins done in the body for the wages of sin is death (Ro 6:23). Have no other gods before him, honor God in all you do, and flee the fun of the world. Paul say you should throw off the sins that tie us up and rejoice in the Lord instead... always! (Phil 4:4)


Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Wise Thought: Delight in Wisdom, Proverbs 10:23

Delight in Wisdom

Proverbs 10:23 A fool finds pleasure in evil conduct, but a man of understanding delights in wisdom.

I have seen people who work hard... at doing evil. They will try to figure out how to "set up" a situation to tell a dirty joke. Looking to hijack every opportunity, they insert garbage into a conversation to twist others words that they might get a laugh. Some have learned to master words. belittling others, using someone's words against them. They step on others, so they can get ahead.

But, I know different people who, at every opportunity, love to give encouragement to the hurting. When someone makes a mistake, they choose to pick them up and give them aid to succeed. These kind of people use their talents and abilities to give others hope. These kind of people lift everyone and take them along as they climb their way up the ladder of success.

Daughters, which will you be? Don't just look at how you can get ahead. Look to the needs of others(Phil 3:4) and help them succeed. The love given you by God, is to be acted out in service to those around you. Do not tear others down, rather build them up, especially if they are you enemy, God will reward you (Pr. 25:22). Only a fool takes revenge. Be willing to forgive, for God has called you to be a blessing to those who are against you (Ro. 12:14). As they take pleasure in destroying others, work all the harder to be a help to them and those striving to live life.


Tuesday, February 14, 2017

In the Name of the LORD, 1 Samuel 17:45

In the Name of the LORD

1 Samuel 17:45 David said to the Philistine, "You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the LORD Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.

David, the youngest of his family was tending the sheep while his brothers were in the service of King Saul. Israel was being taunted by one of the giants of Gath whose name was Goliath. He was defying God, and because of his stature, all of Israel were in fear. David was sent to deliver food to his brothers and heard the taunting of Goliath. An enemy of the Lord had come up against him and his people, and David saw how everyone cowered in fear. David was incensed, and vowed to destroy the enemy. Taking what was common to him, he fought the giant in the name of the LORD and won.

K and A, you will come up against many enemies of your faith. Since an early age, you have been taught to follow the truths of the Bible and to live by them. You know this story and many others from Sunday school and Bible school lessons. They are not just neat stories from the Bible (1 Cor. 10:11), they are crucial lessons taught to show you how to stand ground against the attacks of Satan and his followers in the world around you.

This story shows that when the enemy comes, you are to utilize the weapons you have been taught to use, to stand your ground against the enemy. But, do not go it alone. Go in the Name and power of the LORD Almighty. He will enable you to fight successfully and overcome the temptations and the sin that so easily entangles (He 12:1). Daughters, GO in the Name of the LORD, he will protect you and keep you from sin (Jude 1:24)!


Monday, February 13, 2017

The Youngest, 1 Samuel 17:14 & 15

The Youngest

1 Samuel 17:14 & 15 David was the youngest, the oldest followed Saul, but David went back and forth from Saul to tend his father's sheep at Bethlehem.

David was becoming quite the young man. By this time in his life, he had killed lions and bear by hand, was the hero who had killed Goliath, played his instrument for the king, and had been anointed future king of Israel... But he was the youngest, so he had to stay home and care for the sheep out on the hills around Bethlehem. Talk about not getting respect... if anyone could claim the title, it was David.

But, David was not the kind of person who let his position affect his devotion to his God. He was a person of action, serving at his best where he was called. God had his hand on him and would lead him to become the greatest king of Israel.

A and K, you are becoming quite the young ladies. God has his hand on you. What you will become is not yet known, but we know is that God has great things for you to do (Jerimiah 29:11). What you need to do is be faithful... faithful to the call of salvation, faithful to living in righteousness, and faithful to his calling in life as you know it. As you remain faithful, God will lead to greater things, guiding you and encouraging you along the way. You are the youngest in your family, and may feel like you can't get away from your father's control. Know that he loves you and his greatest desire for you is to serve God with all your heart, mind, and soul, believing God has his hand upon you. Despite being the youngest, God is leading you to become the greatest servant you can be.


Sunday, February 12, 2017

Genesis 13:5 - 18, Part 5: It's All Yours

It's All Yours

Genesis 13:17 Go, walk through the length and the breath of the land, for I am giving it to you.

Would you like to have a father who showed you a piece of property and for a wedding gift said... It's yours. I am giving it to you. Maybe, he'll give you a new car... even a used car would be nice, right. It's all yours, free. That is what God, the father, did for Abram. Lift up your eyes, look north, look, south, look east and west, its all yours as far as you can see! Wow, what a gift! what a joy that would flood the heart!

Well, our heavenly father has given us just as great of gift: Grace! His grace is just like the song says, Marvelous grace of our loving Lord, Grace that exceed our sin and our guilt. It's all ours for the taking, free! Here are some of the benefits of his grace I found written about in his Word that the Father freely gives to us: salvation, justification, signs and wonders, power, incomparable riches, eternal life and so, so much more. There is so much grace that we cannot not use it all up. We can look to the right or to left, before us and to the rear... it is everywhere we go.

K and A, have you experienced God's grace? I know you have, and I thank God for it! Your grandfather's brother, Uncle Hess, told of a talk he had with his grandfather, Abram Hess. Abram said that God grace was like a cow looking for something good to eat. She uses her tongue to work at eating some of the grasses under the fence, but little does she realize she is in a large field full of lush clover. God placed Abram right where he wanted him. Then, he provide a great gift... the promise to supply all he needs. He said, walk through the land, for I am giving it to you.

Daughters, God placed you where he wanted you. Don't just partake of the grasses near the fence separating you from the world. Instead frolic in the lush blessings of his love. All you need he has promised to supply. The gift is all yours for the taking!


Saturday, February 11, 2017

Genesis 13:5 - 18, Part 4: Looked Good

Looked Good

Genesis 13:13 Now the men of Sodom were wicked and were sinning greatly against the Lord.

Which Way Should I Go!

Lot looked up and saw that the whole plain of the Jordan was well watered like the garden of the Lord... (vs 10) Lot was given the choice to pick any land he wanted for his family to live. When he saw the plain near Sodom, he couldn't resist settling there. He and Abram had earlier come through a time of drought and seeing that the area of the plain was like back home among the 3 rivers near Eden, he knew it was the land for him. Little did he know what the future would hold. The wickedness of the people who lived there would become a detriment to his way of life and would eventually destroy the sanctity of his family. He barely escaped God's judgement on the wicked.

Many times what appears to be the right choice seems easy to make. We may weigh the pros and cons, just like Ben Franklin, coming up with the perfect solution, and find in the end that it couldn't have been more wrong. What went wrong, where did we err?... we failed to seek God and his way for us. If our decisions are only based on the natural components of life, we can think them through considering all the right and wrong scenarios, yet make the most egregious decision. All of our decisions must be based on the Word and prayer, and when of great importance or if that choice is a major life decision, it must be bathed in prayer.

Lot's decision was life changing. It made sense though; near a city, lots of green lush land, and plenty of room for his family, it couldn't be more perfect. But, his family was destroyed. Although we are not sure how many children he had, out of a typically large family there were only three saved from the Lord's destruction of fire and brimstone. In fact only 4 members of his clan were considered righteous enough to leave the city.

A & K, how do you make your decisions? If you are in any way like me, you find it difficult. You end up procrastination, hoping the decision will make up its own mind... sometimes you a left with only one choice, good or bad, because you failed to select one of them. I think I am getting better, but I lack one in one area: I have not learned to bathe a decision in prayer, come to think of it, I'm not so good at writing pros and cons either. Oh, I pray about it but I lack the drive to sit still and soak in the presence of God. I am thankful for is growing up in a conservative home, not following the ways of the world... most of my daily decisions are made because of a good upbringing at home and in a Bible based church. Lot would have been wise to think of what kind of people he associated with. amazingly God protected him and he didn't succumb to the evil himself.

Daughters, live close to God and know his Word. Paul said that the law taught him what sin was (Ro 7:7) Therefor read and learn the Old Testament principles along with those in the New, and most of your choices will be easy. Then as life decisions come, look at the pros and cons and as you contemplate them, bathe your choices in prayer, immersing yourself in God's holiness asking him for the needed wisdom to make that choice (Js 1:5). Then, walk in the way you sense him leading you and trust him to carry you through. God is faithful when we seek him with all our being and will guide you on path he desires you to go (Pr 3:5 & 6), and you decision will more than look good, they will be good!


Friday, February 10, 2017

Hidden, 1 Samuel 10:21 & 22


1 Samuel 22b ...And the Lord said, "Yes, [he is here] he has hidden himself among the baggage.

Israel was looking for a king, every other nation had one. They rejected God in order to have a man rule over them. Their judge, who was anointed by God to lead them, was hurt that they rejected God, but God said they would be given a king ad they desired. With a dire warning of what it would be like under a king, Samuel went and anointed the one God had chosen to be the first king of Israel. His name was Saul. When the time came for Saul to be anointed, he could not be found. God had to tell Samuel that Saul was hiding.

What will we do when God calls us? Saul, a man of great stature, did not want to fulfil his calling, so he hid. But, he could not hide from God! When found, Saul was brought before Samuel and gave into the will of the Lord. He was anointed king of Israel. God calls each one of us; first to accept his sacrifice for our sin, then to sanctification and service to him.

A and K, what will you do when God calls you? I praise the father and thank him that both of you have responded to his call and have given your hearts to him. I am glad that you also have served him in various capacities. But you must go deeper, in full surrender to him. Leaving all the pleasures of the world, cling to the ways of Christ. Yield yourself to the Spirit and never say NO. Don't hide among the baggage of life; work, family, play or anything else that keeps you from being the Queen. God has great things for you

Daughters, you may be special to me, but you are so much more special to him. Trust him for he will guide you into a wonderful, satisfying life beyond what you can think or imagine! As Ephesians 3:20 & 21 says Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.


Thursday, February 9, 2017

Give Thanks, Psalm 75:1

Give Thanks

Psalm 75:1 We give thanks to you, O God, we give thanks, for your Name is near; men tell of your wonderful deeds.

It is right to thank the Lord. He has done so much for us. His character is beyond compare. Who when having the power and authority to destroy any foe, will instead choose to be slow to anger and abounding in love (Ex. 34:6 and many other places)? He forgives and delivers his foes, bringing them to repentance and delivering them from certain destruction. Gracious is our God and worthy to be praised!

Today's verse say that men tell of his wonderful deeds... my question is who do we tell, who should we be telling?

Daughters, you serve a great God. He is worthy of your praise. Thank him for his wondrous acts, but don't for get to tell others of his wonderful deeds. People that you know must understand that he is a forgiving God and can deliver us from all that hinders our love and devotion for him. God forgave you. In what ways will others know that you are thankful to him? Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good deeds and glorify your father in heaven (Mat. 5:16)


Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Fully Devoted, 1 Kings 11:4

Fully Devoted

1 Kings 11:4 As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the Lord his God as his father David had been.

Solomon disobeyed God's law. He began to follow the practices of the kingdoms around him marrying royalty from other nations. God specifically commanded the Israelites not to intermarry outside their own people, religion, but Solomon would not listen. To keep his wives happy, he built shrines to other god's for them. When he was old his heart turned to other gods, and he began to worship them.

Ladies, you are called to love your husband by being submissive to him. This is God's way, and it is good! So crucial, then, is your choice to whom you marry. In essence you are giving your life over to his judgement on spiritual matters. He is called to love and guide you and fulfil your needs. It is so important to have a husband devoted to the things of the Lord.

One thing I found in my life; temptations never cease, especially so in your weakest areas. You need not succumb to the temptation, but like Solomon, you will if you and your husband are not firmly attached to the vine who gives you the strength to do so. If you remain in him, he will remain in you (Jn. 15:4 & 5). Remember to put on and use the full armor of  the Lord so you can extinguish all flaming arrows thrown by Satan and the world. Fully devote your life to the Lord your God, and when you are old, you will not turn to the right or to the left but will follow Christ on the narrow path he has set for you.


Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Wise Thought: I Choose the Desert, Proverbs 21:19

I Choose the Desert

Proverbs 21:19 Better to live in a desert than with a quarrelsome and ill-tempered wife.

Those are the words of a husband who has been nagged. His spirit has been deflated, he is worn out from all the moaning and complaining by his once adored wife. He tries, but there is no pleasing her. Everything he does is wrong. She cannot be satisfied. It might be hot, dry, and miserable to live out in the desert, but its got to be better than this...

A and K, what kind of wife will you be. I just told a young lady and her fiancé that it is her job to tell him his shortcomings, so he can become the man he needs to be. He sort of gave me that look... As a wife, you are the eyes which see your husband's blind spots. You bring his faults into focus, so he can improve... but you better not nag. Your mother is so easy to live with. We have enjoyed working together over the years. Many people couldn't believe we could work together and still love each other, "I could never work with my wife," was a common comment. I have no clue what most men are talking about when they complain about their wives. I'd never choose to live in the desert... I choose to be warm next to her.

One day your husband will have to make a choice, do I want to keep working or do I want to get home to the one I love. Make his choice easy. Make it hard for him to stay and work. Make him desire to want to be with you. You will need to show him where he needs to improve but never pester him and drive him away. Live in such a way that he will choose to arise and call you blessed (Pr 31:28), his sweet and loving wife.


Monday, February 6, 2017

Wise Thought: Not for Kings, Proverbs 31:4

Not for Kings

Proverbs 31:4 It is not for kings, O Lemuel-  not for kings to drink wine, not for rulers to crave beer.

Most Christians know it is wrong to get drunk. No one seems to agree on what drunk is. Even the drunkard doesn't believe he is drunk yet. Most know where the legal limit is for driving. Few never drink. May this be you and I. In a documentary on prohibition, we are informed that it was women's groups and the church that took tough stances on drinking. Ken Burns noted that every major denomination, except Lutherans and Catholics, supported prohibition. Today, most churches have reversed their stance. But the Bible is still clear.

Something popular today is wine tasting. The Scripture says those people have needless sorrow among other issues. (Pr 23:29 & 30). It goes on to say that we shouldn't even look at it! We must be careful, alcohol will lead one astray; many have been fooled. Alcohol related deaths are the fourth leading cause of preventable deaths in the US. The NIH states that alcohol misuse accounts for over $216 billion in losses. (Alcohol facts) The Bible says it, the health department says it, but the church of today seems to embrace drinking. In a Sunday school class I saw a video from a famous church in Chicago that promoted having drinking parties to help win your friends! May God Be Merciful!

Daughters, if you ever want to hurt your father, go drink and dance with the world. You will tear it out :(***  My eyes tear up as I write this knowing some of what the future holds, and knowing also what your brother and his wife already do. It is enough to break the heart of any caring father. Please do not get sucked into the world's mold (Ro. 12:2). Just yesterday I was reminded of a preacher named Bob Harrington, the Chaplain of Bourbon Street. He felt called to preach in New Orleans and did so many years. But, he got too close and became like one of them. Temptations are real, ladies. If you play with fire, you will get burnt. Never desire to know what the pleasures of the world are like. The Bible says, Taste and see that the Lord is good (Ps 34:8). You are going to be queens in the kingdom of God so feed on the goodness of the Lord. Beer, champagne, wine, drugs.... they are not for you!


PS. I just read this morning that Bob Harrington came back to the Lord!. Later in his life another famous preacher of his day, Rex Humbard, pleaded with him to return. He did so and now walks with the Lord once again. God is the God of redemption!

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Genesis 13:5 - 18, Part 3: Others First

Others First

Genesis 13:11 So Lot chose for himself the whole plain of the Jordan and set out toward the east. The two men parted company.

Abram could have told Lot what to do. Abram could have chosen the good land and made Lot fend for himself. They could have fought it out and the winner takes all, but Abram was a righteous man, and allowed Lot to choose whatever land he wanted and was satisfied no matter the choice Lot made. Looking to better himself, Lot chose what appeared to be best.

J*O*Y, J*O*Y, This must surely mean; Jesus first, yourself last and others in-between... this is a line of music for a children's Christmas song teaching them that God expects you to put him first, then care for the needs of others, considering them more important than yourself (Php. 2:3). Now that's Kingdom theology, far different from the thinking of the world around us. It is even different than many preachers I have heard; some of whom were in my own church. We need to mimic Abram in his demeanor and in the way he served his Lord.

Ladies, as you live your life, you will come to a point in time when it is either you or them. Which will you choose? Will you allow someone to receive something better than you? Are you willing to take a back seat and let another person take the honor? Can you give in during an argument and let someone else win for the sake of peace? At first Abram seems to be getting the short end of the stick. But in the end God blesses him beyond compare. He'll do the same for you as you put others first!


Saturday, February 4, 2017

Genesis 13:5 - 18, Part 2: Give Up Your Rights

Give Up Your Rights

Genesis 13:9 Is not the whole land before you? Let's part company. If you go to the left, I'll go to the right; if you go to the right, I'll go to the left.

Give up your rights?!? That's a crazy thought in today's society, but that is what Abram did. He took a back seat to keep peace in the family. He gave up his right as the patriarch and allowed Lot to choose. There could be no accusations made that Abram was selfish or a bully, keeping all for himself. No, Abram was selfless. He gave up what was his for the benefit of everyone.

K and A, when you learn to give up any rights that you think you own, you will start to live. What you have is from God. He owns everything and generously allows you to use them. From time to time he takes things away and even gives them to others. You must learn to give them up willingly when he comes to take them. If you work to hang on to them, they will bring heartache and possibly destruction to you and your spiritual life. Whether it is possessions, home, a family member, money, or even your job, God knows best. He provides what you need when you seek first the kingdom of God (Matt 6:33).

Daughters, God may call you to make choices like Abram, giving up what he has given you to be a blessing to others... let me change that, God will call you to make that choice. The question is, are you willing to go through the difficulties that are required to do so. Remember, God will supply your needs no matter where he calls you to go, whether it be to the right or to the left. He will provide.


Friday, February 3, 2017

Choose Better, Luke 10:38 - 42

Choose Better

Luke 10:42 but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.

I do not want to discuss how being lazy like Mary is a better choice than being diligent as Martha. I've heard preachers go there. Jesus wasn't discussing work ethic, but he was talking about setting priorities in life. All too often, we choose job or family or pleasures over God and the church. When we take a vacation, many take it from God as well. Jesus said that Mary's choice to hear the Word was wise. What she learned would not be taken from her. In Martha's choice to not listen to Jesus she missed her chance to gain the wisdom of God. The days are short, so we must make the most of ever opportunity for the day are certainly evil (Ep. 5:16).

A and K, never take a vacation from God. I heard your uncle Graybill give a sermon that relates to this. He said that anytime you choose not to go to church or you choose to turn the station on the radio or TV, because it is a sermon, you have chosen to decline the message Christ had for you. Therefor, when you go on a trip over a Sunday and take the effort to attend an unfamiliar church where we don't know a soul and hear the Word, you have chosen what is better! The days are certainly evil. You need all the encouragement you can get as you see the Day approaching (Hb. 10:25). Take the time and listen to what Jesus has to say, there's not a better choice.


Thursday, February 2, 2017

Always There, Revelation 1:8

Always There

Revelation 1:8 "I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who is, and who was, and who is to come, The Almighty."

Christ proclaims who he is. He proclaims his supremacy to all. Jesus, the one who will come with the clouds in the last days, will rise above all and reign over all mankind. And we, those who endure to the end, shall reign with him! (2 Tim. 2:12)

Daughters, have you ever felt like you had no idea where life was headed. At your age, I am sure you have. Well join in, I feel the same way. But never fear. Never fret what the future holds for we serve the one who holds the future. He was here from the beginning and will be here to the end. He will take you by the hand and see you through. This is true for you now and will be true throughout your life. There is a special guy who wants to hold your hand, his name is Jesus. He provides the peace you need to carry on. He is the Lord Almighty! Who is, Who Was, Who is to come!


PS. There may be another special guy who wants to hold your hand. If he isn't holding tightly to Christ's hand, don't hold on to his.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

More Than Saved, Luke 11:24 - 28

More Than Saved

Luke 11:26 "Then it goes and takes seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that man is worse than the first."

If we do not read this passage, we may not remember the story behind verse 26. Jesus had cast out an evil spirit from a man and was accused of being a worker of Beelzebub, otherwise known as Satan. Jesus told them that the statement made no sense; a power wouldn't work against itself, it would never survive. Then, he went on to explain what happens when a spirit is cast out of a person. When Jesus casts out a demon, the person has been cleansed and his soul is in order. But, he tells them that this is not good enough. If left open, the spirit will return, bringing others with him.

There has been a push in the past to just get people saved. This is good, but it is not enough. We must disciple them, teaching them the word, to be filled with the Holy Spirit, committed to live out their faith. Salvation is not enough! Just before his ascension into heaven, Jesus didn't tell the disciples to go get people saved. He said, go and make disciples... baptizing them... and teaching them to obey everything... commanded (Matt. 28:19).

When we "get someone saved" and just leave them on their own expecting God to take it from there, we do harm to their souls. When born, Satan's spirits are in our lives and when we are saved, Jesus sends away, cleansing our heart, mind, and soul. But, those spirits will return, looking to see if we have filled our lives with God's Spirit and his Word. If there is room, they will go and get others and come back to invade our soul once again making us more wicked than before.

A and K, did you ever see someone gloriously saved from wickedness only to fall back into a life filled with sin? Have you know a Christian that fell into sin and lives in wickedness? It is a sad reality which happens all to often. It can happen to the best of Christians. It can happen to you! Never think that you are holy and have arrived. Paul said that he knows he hasn't attain the goal, so he presses on (Ph. 3:12).

Daughters, keep the realization that you are of dust (Ps. 103:14). You cannot stand on your own. You must rely on God and his word to help you to stand. Be filled with the Spirit at all times, fleeing the pleasures of the world (Ep. 5:18). If you do this, Christ will help you fend off the attackers of your soul and help you keep your heart swept clean and in order (vs. 25). Jesus says in verse 29, that you will be blessed if you hear the Word and obey it. Be more than saved, living a life full of blessings.
