Wednesday, February 1, 2017

More Than Saved, Luke 11:24 - 28

More Than Saved

Luke 11:26 "Then it goes and takes seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that man is worse than the first."

If we do not read this passage, we may not remember the story behind verse 26. Jesus had cast out an evil spirit from a man and was accused of being a worker of Beelzebub, otherwise known as Satan. Jesus told them that the statement made no sense; a power wouldn't work against itself, it would never survive. Then, he went on to explain what happens when a spirit is cast out of a person. When Jesus casts out a demon, the person has been cleansed and his soul is in order. But, he tells them that this is not good enough. If left open, the spirit will return, bringing others with him.

There has been a push in the past to just get people saved. This is good, but it is not enough. We must disciple them, teaching them the word, to be filled with the Holy Spirit, committed to live out their faith. Salvation is not enough! Just before his ascension into heaven, Jesus didn't tell the disciples to go get people saved. He said, go and make disciples... baptizing them... and teaching them to obey everything... commanded (Matt. 28:19).

When we "get someone saved" and just leave them on their own expecting God to take it from there, we do harm to their souls. When born, Satan's spirits are in our lives and when we are saved, Jesus sends away, cleansing our heart, mind, and soul. But, those spirits will return, looking to see if we have filled our lives with God's Spirit and his Word. If there is room, they will go and get others and come back to invade our soul once again making us more wicked than before.

A and K, did you ever see someone gloriously saved from wickedness only to fall back into a life filled with sin? Have you know a Christian that fell into sin and lives in wickedness? It is a sad reality which happens all to often. It can happen to the best of Christians. It can happen to you! Never think that you are holy and have arrived. Paul said that he knows he hasn't attain the goal, so he presses on (Ph. 3:12).

Daughters, keep the realization that you are of dust (Ps. 103:14). You cannot stand on your own. You must rely on God and his word to help you to stand. Be filled with the Spirit at all times, fleeing the pleasures of the world (Ep. 5:18). If you do this, Christ will help you fend off the attackers of your soul and help you keep your heart swept clean and in order (vs. 25). Jesus says in verse 29, that you will be blessed if you hear the Word and obey it. Be more than saved, living a life full of blessings.


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