Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Fully Devoted, 1 Kings 11:4

Fully Devoted

1 Kings 11:4 As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the Lord his God as his father David had been.

Solomon disobeyed God's law. He began to follow the practices of the kingdoms around him marrying royalty from other nations. God specifically commanded the Israelites not to intermarry outside their own people, religion, but Solomon would not listen. To keep his wives happy, he built shrines to other god's for them. When he was old his heart turned to other gods, and he began to worship them.

Ladies, you are called to love your husband by being submissive to him. This is God's way, and it is good! So crucial, then, is your choice to whom you marry. In essence you are giving your life over to his judgement on spiritual matters. He is called to love and guide you and fulfil your needs. It is so important to have a husband devoted to the things of the Lord.

One thing I found in my life; temptations never cease, especially so in your weakest areas. You need not succumb to the temptation, but like Solomon, you will if you and your husband are not firmly attached to the vine who gives you the strength to do so. If you remain in him, he will remain in you (Jn. 15:4 & 5). Remember to put on and use the full armor of  the Lord so you can extinguish all flaming arrows thrown by Satan and the world. Fully devote your life to the Lord your God, and when you are old, you will not turn to the right or to the left but will follow Christ on the narrow path he has set for you.


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