Friday, February 17, 2017

Wise Thought: Discipline is Love, Proverbs 3:11

Discipline is Love

Proverbs 3:11 My son, do not despise the Lord's discipline and do not resent his rebuke, because the Lord disciplines those he loves as a father the son he delights in.

When we do wrong, the Lord corrects us. In yesterday's blog we saw this truth with King Amaziah. Like the first king of Israel, he rejected the rebuke and paid the price of losing his kingship. We need to understand that correction and discipline from the Lord is for our own good, a preparation of our soul to be ready for entry into the kingdom of God. He desires each of us to stay true to his Word which shows us the way of holiness. His love for us shows how he delights in us.

K and A, I delight in you and have disciplined you both, often verbally and sometimes physically. I have desired you to follow in my footsteps as I follow Christ, walking the straight and narrow. Thankfully you have chosen to seek the Lord yourselves. Fathers move from commanding obedience to hoping their teachings took hold.. Although they still suggest ways to walk, their children become owners of their own choices and the outcome it brings. God has become their father, and he will discipline them as he sees fit.

K, soon you will fall under the authority of your husband. You will give your love to him and submit to his will. He is to guide you and walk the narrow road for you to follow. Together, you will be taught by God and when you fail to walk in obedience to him he will set you straight.

A, you have yet to commit to someone else's authority. Choose wisely the one to whom you give your love. For it is not only the hardships of this life that matters, but your entrance into the next that he will affect. Pray and seek God's choice for the one you will be commit to for life. You will become one with him to serve the Lord for the rest of you life.

Daughters, sometimes I find God's disciple confusing. He does not paddle you right after you do wrong. You are not always sure right away if your problems are a result of someone else or for your own sin. But, I am confidant that God will make it clear to you, if you desire his way. Know that he will discipline you, for he loves you, just like my daughters I delight in.


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