Sunday, February 5, 2017

Genesis 13:5 - 18, Part 3: Others First

Others First

Genesis 13:11 So Lot chose for himself the whole plain of the Jordan and set out toward the east. The two men parted company.

Abram could have told Lot what to do. Abram could have chosen the good land and made Lot fend for himself. They could have fought it out and the winner takes all, but Abram was a righteous man, and allowed Lot to choose whatever land he wanted and was satisfied no matter the choice Lot made. Looking to better himself, Lot chose what appeared to be best.

J*O*Y, J*O*Y, This must surely mean; Jesus first, yourself last and others in-between... this is a line of music for a children's Christmas song teaching them that God expects you to put him first, then care for the needs of others, considering them more important than yourself (Php. 2:3). Now that's Kingdom theology, far different from the thinking of the world around us. It is even different than many preachers I have heard; some of whom were in my own church. We need to mimic Abram in his demeanor and in the way he served his Lord.

Ladies, as you live your life, you will come to a point in time when it is either you or them. Which will you choose? Will you allow someone to receive something better than you? Are you willing to take a back seat and let another person take the honor? Can you give in during an argument and let someone else win for the sake of peace? At first Abram seems to be getting the short end of the stick. But in the end God blesses him beyond compare. He'll do the same for you as you put others first!


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