Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Wise Thought: Delight in Wisdom, Proverbs 10:23

Delight in Wisdom

Proverbs 10:23 A fool finds pleasure in evil conduct, but a man of understanding delights in wisdom.

I have seen people who work hard... at doing evil. They will try to figure out how to "set up" a situation to tell a dirty joke. Looking to hijack every opportunity, they insert garbage into a conversation to twist others words that they might get a laugh. Some have learned to master words. belittling others, using someone's words against them. They step on others, so they can get ahead.

But, I know different people who, at every opportunity, love to give encouragement to the hurting. When someone makes a mistake, they choose to pick them up and give them aid to succeed. These kind of people use their talents and abilities to give others hope. These kind of people lift everyone and take them along as they climb their way up the ladder of success.

Daughters, which will you be? Don't just look at how you can get ahead. Look to the needs of others(Phil 3:4) and help them succeed. The love given you by God, is to be acted out in service to those around you. Do not tear others down, rather build them up, especially if they are you enemy, God will reward you (Pr. 25:22). Only a fool takes revenge. Be willing to forgive, for God has called you to be a blessing to those who are against you (Ro. 12:14). As they take pleasure in destroying others, work all the harder to be a help to them and those striving to live life.


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