Friday, February 10, 2017

Hidden, 1 Samuel 10:21 & 22


1 Samuel 22b ...And the Lord said, "Yes, [he is here] he has hidden himself among the baggage.

Israel was looking for a king, every other nation had one. They rejected God in order to have a man rule over them. Their judge, who was anointed by God to lead them, was hurt that they rejected God, but God said they would be given a king ad they desired. With a dire warning of what it would be like under a king, Samuel went and anointed the one God had chosen to be the first king of Israel. His name was Saul. When the time came for Saul to be anointed, he could not be found. God had to tell Samuel that Saul was hiding.

What will we do when God calls us? Saul, a man of great stature, did not want to fulfil his calling, so he hid. But, he could not hide from God! When found, Saul was brought before Samuel and gave into the will of the Lord. He was anointed king of Israel. God calls each one of us; first to accept his sacrifice for our sin, then to sanctification and service to him.

A and K, what will you do when God calls you? I praise the father and thank him that both of you have responded to his call and have given your hearts to him. I am glad that you also have served him in various capacities. But you must go deeper, in full surrender to him. Leaving all the pleasures of the world, cling to the ways of Christ. Yield yourself to the Spirit and never say NO. Don't hide among the baggage of life; work, family, play or anything else that keeps you from being the Queen. God has great things for you

Daughters, you may be special to me, but you are so much more special to him. Trust him for he will guide you into a wonderful, satisfying life beyond what you can think or imagine! As Ephesians 3:20 & 21 says Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen.


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