Sunday, February 12, 2017

Genesis 13:5 - 18, Part 5: It's All Yours

It's All Yours

Genesis 13:17 Go, walk through the length and the breath of the land, for I am giving it to you.

Would you like to have a father who showed you a piece of property and for a wedding gift said... It's yours. I am giving it to you. Maybe, he'll give you a new car... even a used car would be nice, right. It's all yours, free. That is what God, the father, did for Abram. Lift up your eyes, look north, look, south, look east and west, its all yours as far as you can see! Wow, what a gift! what a joy that would flood the heart!

Well, our heavenly father has given us just as great of gift: Grace! His grace is just like the song says, Marvelous grace of our loving Lord, Grace that exceed our sin and our guilt. It's all ours for the taking, free! Here are some of the benefits of his grace I found written about in his Word that the Father freely gives to us: salvation, justification, signs and wonders, power, incomparable riches, eternal life and so, so much more. There is so much grace that we cannot not use it all up. We can look to the right or to left, before us and to the rear... it is everywhere we go.

K and A, have you experienced God's grace? I know you have, and I thank God for it! Your grandfather's brother, Uncle Hess, told of a talk he had with his grandfather, Abram Hess. Abram said that God grace was like a cow looking for something good to eat. She uses her tongue to work at eating some of the grasses under the fence, but little does she realize she is in a large field full of lush clover. God placed Abram right where he wanted him. Then, he provide a great gift... the promise to supply all he needs. He said, walk through the land, for I am giving it to you.

Daughters, God placed you where he wanted you. Don't just partake of the grasses near the fence separating you from the world. Instead frolic in the lush blessings of his love. All you need he has promised to supply. The gift is all yours for the taking!


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