Thursday, February 2, 2017

Always There, Revelation 1:8

Always There

Revelation 1:8 "I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who is, and who was, and who is to come, The Almighty."

Christ proclaims who he is. He proclaims his supremacy to all. Jesus, the one who will come with the clouds in the last days, will rise above all and reign over all mankind. And we, those who endure to the end, shall reign with him! (2 Tim. 2:12)

Daughters, have you ever felt like you had no idea where life was headed. At your age, I am sure you have. Well join in, I feel the same way. But never fear. Never fret what the future holds for we serve the one who holds the future. He was here from the beginning and will be here to the end. He will take you by the hand and see you through. This is true for you now and will be true throughout your life. There is a special guy who wants to hold your hand, his name is Jesus. He provides the peace you need to carry on. He is the Lord Almighty! Who is, Who Was, Who is to come!


PS. There may be another special guy who wants to hold your hand. If he isn't holding tightly to Christ's hand, don't hold on to his.

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