Saturday, February 11, 2017

Genesis 13:5 - 18, Part 4: Looked Good

Looked Good

Genesis 13:13 Now the men of Sodom were wicked and were sinning greatly against the Lord.

Which Way Should I Go!

Lot looked up and saw that the whole plain of the Jordan was well watered like the garden of the Lord... (vs 10) Lot was given the choice to pick any land he wanted for his family to live. When he saw the plain near Sodom, he couldn't resist settling there. He and Abram had earlier come through a time of drought and seeing that the area of the plain was like back home among the 3 rivers near Eden, he knew it was the land for him. Little did he know what the future would hold. The wickedness of the people who lived there would become a detriment to his way of life and would eventually destroy the sanctity of his family. He barely escaped God's judgement on the wicked.

Many times what appears to be the right choice seems easy to make. We may weigh the pros and cons, just like Ben Franklin, coming up with the perfect solution, and find in the end that it couldn't have been more wrong. What went wrong, where did we err?... we failed to seek God and his way for us. If our decisions are only based on the natural components of life, we can think them through considering all the right and wrong scenarios, yet make the most egregious decision. All of our decisions must be based on the Word and prayer, and when of great importance or if that choice is a major life decision, it must be bathed in prayer.

Lot's decision was life changing. It made sense though; near a city, lots of green lush land, and plenty of room for his family, it couldn't be more perfect. But, his family was destroyed. Although we are not sure how many children he had, out of a typically large family there were only three saved from the Lord's destruction of fire and brimstone. In fact only 4 members of his clan were considered righteous enough to leave the city.

A & K, how do you make your decisions? If you are in any way like me, you find it difficult. You end up procrastination, hoping the decision will make up its own mind... sometimes you a left with only one choice, good or bad, because you failed to select one of them. I think I am getting better, but I lack one in one area: I have not learned to bathe a decision in prayer, come to think of it, I'm not so good at writing pros and cons either. Oh, I pray about it but I lack the drive to sit still and soak in the presence of God. I am thankful for is growing up in a conservative home, not following the ways of the world... most of my daily decisions are made because of a good upbringing at home and in a Bible based church. Lot would have been wise to think of what kind of people he associated with. amazingly God protected him and he didn't succumb to the evil himself.

Daughters, live close to God and know his Word. Paul said that the law taught him what sin was (Ro 7:7) Therefor read and learn the Old Testament principles along with those in the New, and most of your choices will be easy. Then as life decisions come, look at the pros and cons and as you contemplate them, bathe your choices in prayer, immersing yourself in God's holiness asking him for the needed wisdom to make that choice (Js 1:5). Then, walk in the way you sense him leading you and trust him to carry you through. God is faithful when we seek him with all our being and will guide you on path he desires you to go (Pr 3:5 & 6), and you decision will more than look good, they will be good!


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