Friday, February 3, 2017

Choose Better, Luke 10:38 - 42

Choose Better

Luke 10:42 but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.

I do not want to discuss how being lazy like Mary is a better choice than being diligent as Martha. I've heard preachers go there. Jesus wasn't discussing work ethic, but he was talking about setting priorities in life. All too often, we choose job or family or pleasures over God and the church. When we take a vacation, many take it from God as well. Jesus said that Mary's choice to hear the Word was wise. What she learned would not be taken from her. In Martha's choice to not listen to Jesus she missed her chance to gain the wisdom of God. The days are short, so we must make the most of ever opportunity for the day are certainly evil (Ep. 5:16).

A and K, never take a vacation from God. I heard your uncle Graybill give a sermon that relates to this. He said that anytime you choose not to go to church or you choose to turn the station on the radio or TV, because it is a sermon, you have chosen to decline the message Christ had for you. Therefor, when you go on a trip over a Sunday and take the effort to attend an unfamiliar church where we don't know a soul and hear the Word, you have chosen what is better! The days are certainly evil. You need all the encouragement you can get as you see the Day approaching (Hb. 10:25). Take the time and listen to what Jesus has to say, there's not a better choice.


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