Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Wise Thought: I Choose the Desert, Proverbs 21:19

I Choose the Desert

Proverbs 21:19 Better to live in a desert than with a quarrelsome and ill-tempered wife.

Those are the words of a husband who has been nagged. His spirit has been deflated, he is worn out from all the moaning and complaining by his once adored wife. He tries, but there is no pleasing her. Everything he does is wrong. She cannot be satisfied. It might be hot, dry, and miserable to live out in the desert, but its got to be better than this...

A and K, what kind of wife will you be. I just told a young lady and her fiancĂ© that it is her job to tell him his shortcomings, so he can become the man he needs to be. He sort of gave me that look... As a wife, you are the eyes which see your husband's blind spots. You bring his faults into focus, so he can improve... but you better not nag. Your mother is so easy to live with. We have enjoyed working together over the years. Many people couldn't believe we could work together and still love each other, "I could never work with my wife," was a common comment. I have no clue what most men are talking about when they complain about their wives. I'd never choose to live in the desert... I choose to be warm next to her.

One day your husband will have to make a choice, do I want to keep working or do I want to get home to the one I love. Make his choice easy. Make it hard for him to stay and work. Make him desire to want to be with you. You will need to show him where he needs to improve but never pester him and drive him away. Live in such a way that he will choose to arise and call you blessed (Pr 31:28), his sweet and loving wife.


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