Sunday, February 19, 2017

Quick note, When Will Jesus Come

When Will Jesus Come

Matthew 24

My Sunday school lesson today dealt with this issue.  It was from Matthew 24. Jesus said, he will come back soon, quickly, unexpectedly, and for those doing his work

He will come in the last days when most are busy with life and not looking for his return. But remember that he will come for us individually the same way.

Are we living for Jesus all the time, or like the servant Jesus spoke about in chapter 24. He was busy living life with those in the world.  Only those busy living for him well go to heaven. The others will be thrown outside where there will be willing and nashing of teeth.

It's my prayer, daughters, that you are living for Jesus every moment. You never know when he'll come for you. You just know he will. Be ready!


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