Thursday, February 16, 2017

No Other Gods, 2 Chronicles 25:14 - 20

No Other Gods

2 Chronicles 25:20 Amaziah, however would not listen, for God so worked that he might hand them over to Jehoash, because they sought the gods of Edom.

We all know the first of the Ten Commandments, You Shall Have No Other Gods Before Me (Ex 20:3). In this verse, we see that, because Amaziah did evil in God's sight and then would not listen to a prophet, God brought about his destruction. God had just blessed him by helping him conquer Edom. But Amaziah brought back the gods of Edom and thanked and worshipped them... Crazy?... Crazy!

What I want to stress here is the fact that God works out situations for his own ends. Certainly, all things work out for the good... but only for those who love God and are called according to his purpose (Ro 8:28)! We cannot break God's rules and expect blessings. Jesus said that we are to give a tithe (Mat 23:23), his father also said we are to give it (Dt 14:22). Why do so many keep it for their own use? We'll save tithing for another day... what I am saying is that when we now how we are to follow God and fail to do so, God will remind us of his commands, his expectations - if that makes you feel better. If we choose not to listen to his correction and repent, he will NOT work in all things for the good... rather he will so work in all things for the bad. That doesn't sound good, right? I guess that is why so many  people like to quote Romans 8:28 when bad things happen in their lives. It sounds much better.

A and K, when God said thou Shall Not... that's what he meant. Amaziah had just been blessed by God but took his blessings and used them in evil practices. Don't be like some who celebrate something good that happened by participating in evil. I have seen "christians" rejoice by eating, drinking and dancing, and by partying to the world's music. Then when "bad things happen to good people" they wonder why God would allow it? Others come by and say things like, every cloud has a silver lining, All things turn out for the good, Just wait till you see how God blesses you through this. But, rarely do they look inward.

Daughters, God's is not like man that he should lie, that he should change his mind (Nu 23:19). His laws stand true yet today, and he will repay for the sins done in the body for the wages of sin is death (Ro 6:23). Have no other gods before him, honor God in all you do, and flee the fun of the world. Paul say you should throw off the sins that tie us up and rejoice in the Lord instead... always! (Phil 4:4)


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