Monday, February 6, 2017

Wise Thought: Not for Kings, Proverbs 31:4

Not for Kings

Proverbs 31:4 It is not for kings, O Lemuel-  not for kings to drink wine, not for rulers to crave beer.

Most Christians know it is wrong to get drunk. No one seems to agree on what drunk is. Even the drunkard doesn't believe he is drunk yet. Most know where the legal limit is for driving. Few never drink. May this be you and I. In a documentary on prohibition, we are informed that it was women's groups and the church that took tough stances on drinking. Ken Burns noted that every major denomination, except Lutherans and Catholics, supported prohibition. Today, most churches have reversed their stance. But the Bible is still clear.

Something popular today is wine tasting. The Scripture says those people have needless sorrow among other issues. (Pr 23:29 & 30). It goes on to say that we shouldn't even look at it! We must be careful, alcohol will lead one astray; many have been fooled. Alcohol related deaths are the fourth leading cause of preventable deaths in the US. The NIH states that alcohol misuse accounts for over $216 billion in losses. (Alcohol facts) The Bible says it, the health department says it, but the church of today seems to embrace drinking. In a Sunday school class I saw a video from a famous church in Chicago that promoted having drinking parties to help win your friends! May God Be Merciful!

Daughters, if you ever want to hurt your father, go drink and dance with the world. You will tear it out :(***  My eyes tear up as I write this knowing some of what the future holds, and knowing also what your brother and his wife already do. It is enough to break the heart of any caring father. Please do not get sucked into the world's mold (Ro. 12:2). Just yesterday I was reminded of a preacher named Bob Harrington, the Chaplain of Bourbon Street. He felt called to preach in New Orleans and did so many years. But, he got too close and became like one of them. Temptations are real, ladies. If you play with fire, you will get burnt. Never desire to know what the pleasures of the world are like. The Bible says, Taste and see that the Lord is good (Ps 34:8). You are going to be queens in the kingdom of God so feed on the goodness of the Lord. Beer, champagne, wine, drugs.... they are not for you!


PS. I just read this morning that Bob Harrington came back to the Lord!. Later in his life another famous preacher of his day, Rex Humbard, pleaded with him to return. He did so and now walks with the Lord once again. God is the God of redemption!

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