Monday, February 13, 2017

The Youngest, 1 Samuel 17:14 & 15

The Youngest

1 Samuel 17:14 & 15 David was the youngest, the oldest followed Saul, but David went back and forth from Saul to tend his father's sheep at Bethlehem.

David was becoming quite the young man. By this time in his life, he had killed lions and bear by hand, was the hero who had killed Goliath, played his instrument for the king, and had been anointed future king of Israel... But he was the youngest, so he had to stay home and care for the sheep out on the hills around Bethlehem. Talk about not getting respect... if anyone could claim the title, it was David.

But, David was not the kind of person who let his position affect his devotion to his God. He was a person of action, serving at his best where he was called. God had his hand on him and would lead him to become the greatest king of Israel.

A and K, you are becoming quite the young ladies. God has his hand on you. What you will become is not yet known, but we know is that God has great things for you to do (Jerimiah 29:11). What you need to do is be faithful... faithful to the call of salvation, faithful to living in righteousness, and faithful to his calling in life as you know it. As you remain faithful, God will lead to greater things, guiding you and encouraging you along the way. You are the youngest in your family, and may feel like you can't get away from your father's control. Know that he loves you and his greatest desire for you is to serve God with all your heart, mind, and soul, believing God has his hand upon you. Despite being the youngest, God is leading you to become the greatest servant you can be.


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