Thursday, December 7, 2017

Alone With God: Part One: Worship, Genesis 22:1-19

Alone with God: Part One: Worship

Genesis 22:5 He said to his servants "Stay here with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. We will worship and the we will come back to you."

In continuing on with story, Abraham, his son, and two servants traveled three days to the region of Moriah. Arriving there, Abraham, who hasn't told anyone what God had asked him to do, told his servants to stay put while he and the boy went to worship God alone.

There is specialness that comes when one worships God alone. Corporate worship is very important, but to be alone with God is crucial to ones spiritual health. The sad thing is that most people that call themselves Christians do not worship God alone. If and when they go to church, most people believe they have done their duty; they have met with others, waved their hands, rocked back and forth to a contemporary rhythm while repeating words to a catchy melody... "Oh, I feel good now. I must have worshiped." they think. Feelings aren't worship. Swaying together as if you went to a secular music concert isn't worship, hopping up and down to a heavy beat while in smoke fills the room isn't worship, neither is head banging, break dancing, or surfing across the crowd! Worship has less to do with us and more to do with God. He becomes the focus of our attention, our honor and our respect. We seek to lift him up in all parts of our life. Worship is a life thing, making a "worship" service a very small part of our act of worship. Worship is living a life holy and pleasing to God (Romans 12:1).

A and K, do you know how to worship God? It can be confusing with all the stress that is put on feeling good, today. But, it is important for you to remember that feeling good is to be a result of true worship. Maybe you have noticed how some "worship" services use songs and atmosphere to heighten your emotions to get you to feel good. These can make you feel good, but they do not cause you to worship... Daughters, figure out what the Lord desires by reading his Word, then live out those desires. This will bring the feelings sought by so many, feelings of satisfaction, hope and love.


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