Thursday, December 14, 2017

Follow Thru, Part 1: The Father And His Son, Genesis 22:1-19 (John 3:16a)

Follow Thru, Part 1: The Father And His Son

John 3:16a For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son..

Abraham wasn't the only father considered crazy for being willing to give up his one and only son to die. No, God the Father willingly gave his son to die. He sacrificed him, so that the sins of mankind could be paid for. Isaac wasn't the only complacent son who went along with his father's request to be bound and laid on the altar. No,  Jesus the Son willingly went to the cross (John 10:18) and was bound to it by nails and hung on it as a sacrifice. Isaac carried the wood for the offering. Jesus carried his own cross (John 19:17). Isaac became the heir to the promise and had many descendants. Jesus adopted many descendants who became heirs with him.

It took great love for Abraham to be willing to give up his son Isaac, yet God's love was even greater. Abraham reached up to heaven to find strength in God. God reached down to man to renew his soul! Abraham was stopped from sacrificing his son and received him back. God's son was killed and died as a sacrifice for all, yet, in God's power, Jesus was made alive and lives as the first born from among the dead (Colossians 1:18).

K and A, what Abraham was willing to do showed a great love for God. But, there is a love shown greater than his. It is the love of the Father. Unlike Abraham, he actually gave his one and only son to die for you. He was willing for his son to suffer death so that you might never die. Do you appreciate his great sacrifice for you enough that you are willing to give up everything to receive that love, then willing to live a life that shows you have given it all up. Daughters, above everything else in life, love the Lord with all your heart, soul, and mind, and may he sanctify you through and through that you might be kept blameless (1 Thessalonians 5:23).


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