Thursday, December 7, 2017

Alone With God: Part Two: Private Meeting, Genesis 22:1-19

Alone with God: Part One: Private Meeting

Genesis 22:5 He said to his servants "Stay here with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. We will worship and the we will come back to you."

From the movie War Room

Abraham made his servants stay behind as he and Isaac went up on the mountain to worship God. Alone, they went. Alone they planned to make sacrifice before the Lord. Alone, they would honor God by carrying out his desires.

What is it that makes being alone with God so special? One could ask the same question of why it is so special to be alone with your fiancé. Why get married? Why do they have booths for two at restaurants? I guess there could be all kinds of answers, but suffice it to say that when two people love each other that time creates a feeling that can't be denied.

Loving God is similar. There is a special and undeniable feeling, a connection that happens when we love God and let him know it. Remember that Christ is described in the Word as our husband. That connection is real. It is developed by spending every breaking moment with each other. It is enhanced by words said and loving acts given. Not only do we do that for him, he does it back to us... in fact he did it first! Certainly we would want to spend uninterrupted time with him to worship and adore him.

K and A, Find time to be alone with God. He is there for your hurts and your joys. He want to know all of them and wants to help you solve every issue, rejoice with you in every happy moment. The Bible says to go into your closet and close the door behind you and pray to the Lord there (Matthew 6:6). You know where my corner is, my prayer corner and writing corner. I have spent some special times with the Lord there some at one in the morning (or is that night). I felt the special presence of the Holy Spirit so great that I asked him not to come any closer. Sometimes I wish I had never said that. Now, I seek those times again. I pray that you find Christ so real in your life, that you love him so much that his presence blesses you beyond anything you ever thought possible. When you do, you will understand true worship. Your desire for him will be so great that you will want to do everything he ever tells you. And you will want to spend even more time in private.


Read and sing the words to this song. Will help build your resolve to be alone with God.

Alone With God - Hymn, One arrangement appears to be written by William J Kirkpatrick. He was a native to the local town of Duncannon.

Alone With God - Video with Lyrics

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