Sunday, December 10, 2017

Honoring Dad, Part 1: Respect, Genesis 22:1:19 (7-8)

Honoring Dad, Part 1: Respect

Genesis 22:7 Isaac spoke up and said to his father Abraham, "Father?" "Yes, my son?" Abraham replied. "The fire and the wood are here," Isaac said, "but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?"

The key word that spoke to me in this verse is the word Father. Remind me of the radio program Odyssey. The was a character named Rodney, and when he spoke to his dad, he called him Pops. His father then would say not to call him that, then Rodney would say it again, "Hey, Pops?" Interesting note to that... Rodney was a bad boy character.

Isaac had respect for his father. Not only did he call to him respectfully, he called to him to learn. He called to him to find answers to things he couldn't understand. He sought the wisdom of his father. Rightly so, not only was it right to show respect and honor to his father, his father was worthy of it.

K and A, it is right for you to honor and show me respect. You are to the age now that you should know that, and I believe you do, and I have seen that in your demeanor. Yet, there will be times when you will see things differently than I have and you will go your own way. As you grow up, you earn that choice, not because of what you do but because of place in life. You have the right to choose, yet this God requires this one thing... that you continue to honor your father and mother. When I give advise, you get to choose, not me and you also get to live with the consequences or rewards it brings. You reap what you sow (Galations 6:7)

And, there is nothing better for a father that to have his daughters come to him for advise. There is true honor in that. I hope my girls feel safe in coming to me and asking for advise in personal and spiritual matters. I am here for both of you, at any time of day or night. Always

Father, a call of respect from a child to her father, no matter how old. Living a life of holiness and obedience to the Lord, the great honor a father could receive!


btw... The word Father just has a higher level of honor. Pops not a name I would like to be called, but Dad is fine with me.

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