Friday, December 15, 2017

God First, Part One, Genesis 22:1-19 (12b)

God First, Part One

Genesis 22:12b Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son.

For God so loved the world that he held not back his son, his one and only son.

Do we love God so much that we would do anything he asks of us not matter what? Think of God's request of Abraham, but first take away the fact that he was asked to kill his son and substitute in the important lesson which was this: Abraham waited over 80 years to have an heir, a son from his wife, Sarah. Now he was asked to turn the clock back and make it as if it never happened. He was asked to give up his family line. He was asked to destroy all his hope and dreams that had finally be realized. To what point would life be worth living now? "You want me to give it all away?"

New parents hope and dream of what their children will become. It is said that one of the hardest funerals to attend is the funeral of your child. It is like the future, your dreams and expectations have ended.

I met a lady a few years ago that was close to 80 years old. She had a child die some 40 years earlier in a tragic bicycle accident in Ickesburg while delivering newspapers... I think I still have a school picture she gave me not more than a year before it happened. When I was told the lady's name, I mentioned her daughter and how I appreciated the memory of her smile and attitude. She broke and cried. All the hopes and dreams she had for her never happened. Forty years later it still hurt.

What all God has for our children, we do not know. What he will ask of us cannot be foreseen. But, for we who truly love the Lord this resolve we must have: to love him with all our being, strength, mind, and soul (Luke 10:27) no matter what he requires of us. When we do, we will give up all and follow him. This will include family! Jesus said unless you love him more than your family - father, mother, siblings, and children - you cannot be his disciple. God must be first and foremost.

K and A, where does your allegiance lay? Is God first? Do you put him above family events and relationships? Abraham was willing to give up someone he loved to follow God. Family matters should not regulate what you do for the Lord, nor how much you serve him. Don't allow the world to dictate how much time to give to God as opposed to time for you and those you love. K, you are just married and give much time to the church and youth. Many will say that it is too much and you need time for yourself. Careful in this area. Allow the Lord to dictate that schedule. If you are close to him, you will here him say, "K, K, Do not lay a hand on the boy." (If you don't understand that, read verse 11 & 12 again or 1-19). God will provide a way out when it is time... stay faithful until then. 

Daughters, fear the Lord and serve him. He knows what he is doing, and you can trust him when you put God first.


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