Thursday, December 21, 2017

Full Surrender Blesses Others, Genesis 1:19 (18)

Full Surrender Blesses Others

Genesis 22:18 and through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed, because yo have obeyed me.

Abraham's descendants were going to be a blessing to others, because Abraham was faithful. Certainly, Abraham had already been a blessing to the people around him. He had helped save people from marauders, gave gifts to the King of Salem, and pleaded for Lot's life. Now, God tells him that his faithfulness was going to bless others in the future.

Obedience to the Lord is proof that we love him (John 14:21). The Bible make record of the struggles of serving God. There are many poor examples, ways not to live, but conversely there are great examples of how to live righteously. Abraham is a great example of the results of being fully surrendered to God. It is beneficial to our lives and to others as well.

K and A, God loves to use you to be a blessing to others. Even though God could help others by himself, he wants you to reach out and bless others. One of the ways in which he does this is to use your example of a righteous life. You rarely know that he is even using you, but he is. Only when you get to heaven will you fully understand the impact of how you lived your life and the blessing it became to others, and throughout the generation beyond you. So live a holy life, fully surrendered to him. Others will be grateful you did!


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