Saturday, December 16, 2017

God First, Part Two, Genesis 22:1-19 (12b)

God First, Part Two

Genesis 22:12b Now I know that you fear God, because you have not withheld from me your son, your only son.

Monument des martyrs, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso

Abraham was willing to give it all. He held nothing back. His love and fear of the Lord compelled him to full surrender.

In yesterday's post I spoke mostly of the importance to be like Abraham in completely submissive to the will of the Father. There was no holding back when it comes in our willingness to faithfully serve and honor him. May God find us faithful.

Today, I would like to cover another area of our willingness to yield to the will of the Lord, the ability to let those we love serve God.

There are parents who hinder their children from following the Lord. Once, I lead a teenage girl to the Lord. When I spoke to her parents, who confess to be Christians, the mother said that she didn't want her daughter to get too involved, because when she was young, she do a lot with the youth group, and it was too much church stuff. I was youth leader at the time but could never get her to attend Tuesday night meetings, so she never had any discipleship. As I have watched this young lady develop over the next ten years or so, she professes Christianity in theory but her life doesn't show it. Throughout high school and college she listened to secular music, went dancing, when she was young and drank alcohol. She began dating guys and found a few winners online. finally she settled on  marrying one who, while they were dating, wasn't yet divorced. She has stayed on the fringes of serving God and believes all has turn out well. She is blinded to the fact that God does not have first place in her life for the world continuers to pull her down. When she was converted, she felt the tug of the spirit calling her into nursing on the mission field. Today, she works in a nursing home performing OT work while raising a family. I pray God moves in a special way in her life and grabs ahold of her husband's and children's heart as well.

What's the point of that story. Do I believe she failed her calling? Am I disappointed in her? Yes and yes. But, that isn't my point here. Much of her outlook on life was perpetuated by the belief that her parents held, specifically her mother. Instead of encouraging her new found life in Christ, she held her back and allowed the world to develop her worldview.

When God calls those we love, we must spur them on to love and good deeds (Hebrews 10:24). Encourage them to follow him fully (1 Thessalonians 5:11). Instead of holding them back, build them up in the training and instruction of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4) Some parents hope God doesn't called their children off to some foreign land! Abraham was willing to give his only son to the Lord. God gave his son for us. We must be willing to give our loved ones to him.

K and A, where is God calling you? If you don't know, seek to find out. In the mean time, be faithful where he has placed you. Here is the reason I wrote this to you today; I want you to know that if God calls you to Timbuktu or Ouagadougou, my heart will be full of joy! My concern is not where you go, even it means certain death. My desire is for you to serve the Lord in holiness where he places you. That can be anywhere, even in Virginia, just so you have forsaken the world and are clinging on to Jesus. Put God first, and I'll be a pleased papa.


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