Sunday, December 10, 2017

Honoring Dad, Part 2: Trust, Genesis 22:1:19 (7-8)

Honoring Dad, Part 2: Trust

Genesis 22:8
Abraham answered, "God himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son." And, the two of them went on together.

Abraham gave Isaac a wise answer. He knew what God has commanded, what he was asked to do. Somehow he has to care about his son and yet follow through with what his Lord asks of him. When posed with a tough question, he satisfies his son's inquisitiveness and gives an honest and thoughtful answer. God had provided the sacrifice and Abraham was walking with him. The time of worship was nearing, but now wasn't the time to convey all the information to the son, but soon he would have to. For now, they walked together, the son and his dad. His full trust knowing his father new best.

Children do not need to know everything. It is very true that we must not lie to them. But there is a time to tell and a time to keep quiet. Today's worldly wisdom say we should be open with children on household affairs, parent relationships, sexual things, drugs etc... I believe that to be foolish. Things of life need to be revealed in time as children mature. Some things after they leave home and other things they never need to know. Children's fears need quelled and sometimes we just add more than they need too early. They need to learn to trust their parents. We need to live in such a way that they do. We need to wisdom and understanding and fear of the Lord (Proverbs 9:10), then we can answer their questions in such a way that they walk with us in confidence.

A and K, I certainly haven't told you everything about life. I am not all wise and should have explained somethings more than I have. Like Isaac, if you have a question, ask me. I will do my best to help you learn and grow. Raising children has it difficulties; how much to discipline and what type and how stern to be, when to cuddle or when to sit them down and burr them out... its not easy. I pray you do better than I have. Above all train them in the admonition of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4), pray often and walk with them... take their hand and walk with them.


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