Sunday, December 3, 2017

Prepared To Follow, Genesis 22:1-19

Prepared To Follow

Genesis 22:3 Early the next morning Abraham got up and saddled his donkey. He took with him two of his servants and his son Isaac. When he had cut enough wood for the burnt offering, he set out for the place God had told him about.

Abraham was directed by the Lord to sacrifice his son. Now, we know this was just a test for him, but to Abraham, it was real. So, the next morning he began the preparation.

If you are going to bake a cake, you need to gather all the ingredients, cookware, and utensils to satisfactory complete the task. The first time you would have watched others or received some training. Follow the Lord in the same way. It doesn't come naturally. It takes preparation. Here are some areas where you might need to prepare
  • Training - being in church and around other Christians is important, but there is more that is needed to serve God effectively.
    • Formal training may not be required, but it is helpful. If you can afford it, and have the time, do it.
    • Avail yourself to seminars and trainings. VBS meetings, even SS and Worship helps to prepare us.
    • Bible study, Special services, Revivals, Discipleship classes, especially one on one discipling is effective
  • Ingredients - giving the right info and truths from the source are crucial
    • Of course having Christ to give out is most important
    • The Bible, books, study material, and task specific materials are very important
  • Cookware and Utensils - got to be able to take the ingredients and put them together and to serve the product with
    • Start with the Spirit to lead you
    • Use a well oiled plan
    • Stir in the ingredients
    • Try it out on friends to see how good it is
  • Serve it - what good is it to make, if no one gets to partake
    • When ready, serve it to the hungry
A and K, get your donkey saddled up. Gather all you have been through over your short lifetime; your experiences, your training, and take them on the road God has asked you to travel and feed the spiritually hungry he has called you to. You will be surprised how effective the preparation becomes as you go out to serve the Lord to others.


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