Monday, December 25, 2017

You Shall Find Him, Matthew 2:11a

You Shall Find Him

Matthew 2:11a On coming to the house, they saw him with his mother, Mary.

The Magi from the East saw the star when it had reappeared and followed it to the place over where it stood. There they found the child.

We have heard it said that "wise men still seek him". But a better phrase might be... Wise men, and ladies, still find him! Deuteronomy 4:29 states that we shall find the Lord if we seek him with all our heart and soul. The wise men of old left their land to find the new king and when they found hi they gave him gifts and worshipped him.

K and A, be wise. Seek the Lord with all your heart and soul. If you do, he promises that you will find him, close and precious he will be to you. The gift to give him is yourself and all that you have. Give it all to him and worship the Christ. He is worth finding.


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