Sunday, December 10, 2017

Amazing Faith, Genesis 22:1-19

Amazing Faith

Genesis 22:5 He said to his servants "Stay here with the donkey while I and the boy go over there. We will worship and the we will come back to you."

How many times can you discuss one verse? When the verse is so rich and you can find may truths that you can take to heart, you just have to talk about them. Here we see in action the great faith of Abraham portrayed. Faith usually precedes actions. Hebrews talks about that; by faith Noah built, by faith Abram went, by faith Rahab welcomed (Hebrews 11)... Abraham tells his servants to stay and they, he AND the boy, would return. Even though his plan was to sacrifice his boy on the altar to the Lord as commanded, Abraham said "we will come back to you". Before his obedience to God, Abraham had the faith to believe that God would carry out his promise that Isaac would be his heir.

K and A, Do you trust God to do as his word says? Do you believe can will protect you, will guide you, and lead you throughout your life to better and higher ground. If you do, then carry out his tasks for you. You may wonder what that is... look ahead to see what he has for you but don't forget to do those thing you already know to do: Be faithful to others. Keep you word, Be diligent in your tasks, live holy lives, Care about and for others. It is hard to do the work of the Lord if you don't believe he will be there for you. First, know that he is faithful, then trust him to walk along side of you as you step into his will. He is faithful, and will build in an amazing faith in you!


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