Saturday, December 2, 2017

Complete Obedience, Genesis 22:1-19

Complete Obedience

Genesis 22:18 and through your offspring, all nations will be blessed, because you have obeyed me.

Abram believed and it was credited to him as righteousness (Genesis15:6). Paul repeats this truth in the New Testament in the books of Galatians and in Romans as well. He said it, because we who have the faith that God will do what he says through Christ will be saved (Romans 10:9)! This is great! But, where does obedience fit in. Works alone do not save us. But neither does faith by itself save us (James 2:24)! They must work hand in hand.

Here, in this story of Abraham's willingness to be completely obedient to God even if it made no sense nor no matter the cost he would incur, we see the great picture of true faith. Abraham didn't know what God would do. He knew God's promise that Isaac was the avenue through which God would bless the world and through which he would have descendants. Despite this strange request to have his only son sacrificed (the scripture calls him his only son even when there was Ishmael) as an offering to the Lord, Abraham also knew that somehow God would work it all out. Somehow, Isaac would live even though he died (John 11:25). This truth Abraham believed (Hebrew 11:19), therefor he obeyed God when it seem wrong to do so.

K and A, how strong is your faith? Believing God requires obedience. You technically are not Protestants, you are Anabaptists, and as Anabaptists we believe that we are called to follow the commands of the Lord. All of the Old Testament must be viewed through the eyes of the New, but follow we do. Looking at life this way, we work to follow what he asks of us because of our faith in him, believing he will lead and guide us in ways that will best complete his plan. Daughters, believe in the Lord and give yourselves completely to him. Obey his Word and walk on the path he is laying out for you. There is now sweeter place to be.


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