Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Follow Thru, Part 1: Abraham and Isaac Genesis 22:1-19 (10)

Follow Thru, Part 1: Abraham and Isaac

Genesis 22:10 Then he reached out his hand and took the knife to slay the boy.

Abraham had prepared the altar and placed his son on it to sacrifice him to the Lord. God commanded him to do so and his love for God was greater than his love for his son. Yet, he believed God's promise that through the line of his son Isaac all nations would be blessed. He also knew that somehow God too would follow through and that God would fulfil his promise. So, believing in Him, Abraham picked up his knife to slay his son as a offering to the Lord.

This certainly is an incredible story of love and devotion to God. Our first thought are how could God ask his follower to do such a evil deed. But remember the first verse of this chapter... this was a test. Yet, Abraham didn't know that. He just loved the Lord above all things and was willing to carry out what God had asked of him even if it meant giving up his own son. We might think this crazy on his part, but Abraham knew God's promise and figured that God would bring him back to life (Hebrews 11:19). So, Abraham wasn't crazy. He knew he could trust God.

K and A, you can trust God. You can put your faith in him and carry out all he asks you to do. You can follow through and live a holy life knowing that even if others think you are crazy for what you do for him... or for what you don't do like them. But, he asks that you love him above all things if you are to receive the blessings he has promised. Do you love God that much. I pray that you do.


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