Sunday, December 10, 2017

Determined to obey, Genesis 22:1-19

Determined to obey

Genesis 22:6 Abraham took the wood for the offering and placed it on his son Isaac, and he himself carried the fire and the knife.

There is something important here and I don't quite have it all settled in my mind. Here are my thoughts...

We cannot imagine what thoughts must have been going through Abraham's mind. Certainly there must have been seconds thoughts, maybe third and fourth thoughts... maybe not for Abraham. Maybe I'll just talk about me...

As I would place the wood on my sons shoulder and see him bogged down with the load and walking away, my heart would ache. My mind would surely talk to me and say, are you really going to carry this out. How can this be happening, why would God ask me to do this? Certainly I would be crying, if not on the outside, I would be on the inside. Heartbroken, I would turn and pick up the fire and reach to grab the knife... Here is where the next test of faith would come in. I look at the knife and think of what it means. With this knife I will slay my son and sacrifice him to the Lord. I would have to consider God's promise and his faithfulness. Is God trustworthy? Can I count on him to carry out his word? yes. Yes! YES!! I do believe! Then I would pick up the knife and walk with my son.

K and A, What has God promised to you? What has he called you to do? Be determined to obey. You did it for your initial salvation, now follow through for your sanctification. God has given you the determination to carry it out. Now pick up the knife and walk (John 5:8)!


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