Friday, December 21, 2018

Ah, Not So Fast, 1 Timothy 5:22a

Ah Not So Fast

1 Timothy 5:22a Do not be hasty in the laying on of hands

The laying on of hands is not common in most churches. It is somewhat common while praying for someone who is sick, but it is not done to empower someone so they can preach or teach. Yet, there are some churches where it is always done. Paul warns about that telling Timothy not to be hasty in doing so. I believe he said this because it is easy for man to start taking credit for what only God can do. The laying on of hands becomes a human ritual or even a command - if we do it, then God has to honor it. Prayer, healings, miracles, and blessings are not produced by man, nor is God the genie in the bottle that we summon to do as we command.

K and A, you are subject to God and his will, not the other way around. You shouldn't expect God to jump, just because you have a need or problem. He promises to be with you and help you. He promises to heal you both physically and emotionally, but it is not at your command. Don't be like some who name it and claim it and then are devastated when it doesn't go as they hoped. No, go humbly before the Lord to learn his will, then claim the promise he gives you.


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