Thursday, December 13, 2018

Widow Dead While Alive, 1 Timpthy 5:5-6

Widow Dead While Alive

1 Timothy 5:5-6 The widow who is really in need and left all alone puts her hope in God and continues night and day to pray and to ask God for help.  But the widow who lives for pleasure is dead even while she lives.

Often I warn against the pleasures of this world. Today's worldly church loves the pleasures of the world. That's why we know they are worldly. They love its music, its entertainment, and all that makes her puff up and believe all tings are good... God would want us to feel good. He doesn't want us to be glum and miserable. That is so true, but we don't have to mimic the world to find joy in living.

The widow who is rich enough to not work and spends her time partying tricks herself into believing that joy is found in the world's pleasures. But the Christian widow who is poor runs to God for her daily sustenance and find her joy in being in the presence of God. In her struggle she finds hope and comfort. In her need she receives a blessing. She lives in spite of her hardships. Paul says that these are the kind of widows that need the help of the church. The church is the answer to her prayers.

K and A, When times are tough, get down on your knees, and run to God. Do not search for happiness by running to things that satisfy your physical desires. Those things trick you by giving a sense of fulfilment in the now but latter leave you empty. Choose the road that is straight and narrow for there is found true happiness, and there you will find life!


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