Monday, December 10, 2018

Serve Diligently, 1 Timothy 4:15&16

Serve diligently

1 Timothy 4:15 Be diligent in these matters; give yourself wholly to them, so that everyone will see your progress.

Timothy was to preach and teach about the Scriptures. He was to do this in such a way that people would see that his age is not a factor in his leadership. He was to act grown up, to be responsible and live as an example to those to whom he was in authority over. He was to show his love and faith through the way he lived his life. The key aspect was to live in purity. He also was to watch his doctrine closely, to not deviate from the truths he had learned from Paul and the Scriptures. He was to be a model Christian.

K and A, live in such a way that no one will have anything bad to say about you. Be holy and pure for those who are pure are the ones who will see God (Mat 5:8). It will not only be beneficial to you but to those that observe how you live, and know this, they do pay attention to how you live. They aren't necessarily looking to say, I caught cha. They are looking for an excuse for their own actions. Your failure or sins give them that excuse to live how they want. Verse 16 says it this way... persevere in your faith because it will save both you and your hearers... those who are watching you. So, be diligent in your service to God, give yourself wholly to him and to his work.


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