Monday, December 24, 2018

Remain Pure, 1 Timothy 5:22c

Remain Pure

1 Timothy 5:22c  ...keep yourself pure.

Purity is something that is not given much thought today. I just heard my pastor say in his sermon yesterday, we come to Christ broken and in sin. Now he didn't fully say that we never loose it, but his college teaches that and I have heard other pastors and preachers say it. It is like we are stuck in our earthly selves unable to be freed from sin. This is a false teaching! We can be freed from sin.

What? Impossible I have been taught that we are always sinners until Christ returns. We can help it. We sin in thought, word, and deed every moment of every day! Exactly what I have said, rarely are we taught that we can be freed from sin. Here are just two verses given so we might know who we are and how we ought to live as Christians:

  • Therefor, if anyone is in Christ: the old has gone, the new has come. (2 Cor 5:17)
  • But thanks be to God that, though you used to be slaves to sin, you wholeheartedly obeyed the form of teaching to which you were entrusted.  You have been FREED FROM SIN an have become slave to righteousness. (Romans 6:17-18)
K and A, being freed from sin is just the start. You must keep yourselves pure! John says that those who have hope in Christ, will purify themselves just as Christ is pure. In today's verse Paul says to keep yourself pure! This goes well beyond trying not to sin. I read a blog years back that I list below. It is a very important teaching about sexual purity. K, as you should know, it goes well beyond virginity. It is applicable to you, for, because you are married, virginity no longer applies. And, it applies to more than adultery. Purity is a much higher calling to which everyone is called to live out.
God and Jesus say, be holy as I am holy. This not only his desire it is his expectation for you and me as well.


This link below contains a crucial teaching that has failed to be taught. I didn't receive it, nor did I teach it to my children. It needs to be taught in each family including the family if God, his church.

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