Sunday, December 30, 2018

Catch Yourself, 1 Timothy 5:24

atch Yourself

1 Timothy 5:24 The sins of some men are obvious, reaching the place of judgement ahead of them; the sins of others trail behind them.

You look at some people and their wickedness is obvious. A drug addict, a life full of alcohol or cigarettes abuse, or a life spent in prostitution, these people look eaten by their sin, and their lives are destroyed. But, take those caught in pornography, the one telling lies, the one who gossips or those lusting after what isn't theirs... they go about life believing no one sees their sins. Yet one day their sins become known, even years after they commit them. Now the truth is out and no matter how much they deny it, they are caught.

K and A, be sure, your sin will find you out! You cannot sin and not have it known. Cain tried it. So did Judah, Samson, David, Solomon, Zacchaeus, Peter, and so did Ananias, and it will be true for you if you try it. This truth remains, even when you think no one else knows... God knows. People will be fooled, but God never will be fooled. He always sees, and like Eve, you will be caught and suffer for it. Here is my hope for you, if you sin against man or against God... catch yourself and confess your sin before them both. Then you need not fear the penalty that sin brings. Yes, you will probably suffer the consequences of your sin, but it will bring freedom where as the penalty for sin is death. Remember, even if it happens years later, you'll always be caught when you sin. It is better to catch yourself and find the freedom confession brings.


I wanted to relay an object lesson story about a "doll that grew" but I couldn't find it. I do not know the story well enough to tell it... but it is a good illustration of sin finding you out... someday perhaps

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