Thursday, December 20, 2018

No Favoritism, 1 Timothy 5:21

No Favoritism

1 Timothy 5:21 I charge you in the sight of God and Christ Jesus and the elect angels, to keep these instructions without partiality, and do nothing out of favoritism.

Paul's begins to wrap up his first letter to Timothy with this command: keep these instructions. This is the command for the church today as well. But, he adds an important qualifier to his command: you must not show favoritism when applying the rules of the church. Favoritism is as much of a problem today as it was then. Equal application of a law is crucial to the effectiveness of the law. When you excuse someone because of who they are, it destroys the willingness of other to follow them. The rule is for everyone, no exceptions!

K and A, one thing I learned growing up was that PK's get no special privileges, unless you figure more responsibilities or extra work a privilege.  Just as we discussed in yesterday's post, preacher's kids are to be held to a higher standard. I am sure others gave us leeway, but never Grandpa. I carry that same attitude, and you bear the brunt of it. I'd say that made me more course and seemly mean at times, and I recognize that. That makes me feel bad and I hope that overall I was not too excessive. Yet, I see the benefits that it has yielded, and you should be seeing the results yourself and if not, you soon will. God is working through you, for all those requirements placed on you are showing fruit.


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