Tuesday, December 18, 2018

God Will Reward You, 1 Timothy 5:17-18

God WIll Reward You

1 Timothy 5:18 "Do not muzzle the ox while it is treading out the grain," and "The worker deserves his wages."

Paul, although he preached for free, believed those who were elders were to be compensated for their work, doubly so, if they were teachers or preachers. He did not say money, per say, but in honor and in other means as well. To hold back from blessing them is a sin.

But, I think where we are going today is not right. Many preachers demand a certain amount, or they will not disseminate the word. Then there are mega churches where the pastor is a multi millionaire. One pastor is worth over $150 million! They have lavish lifestyles and show off their bling standing at the pulpit while asking for more money.

In the past, pastors were cheated and this is what Paul was talking about. He believed that servants of God were also workers of the kingdom and the leader should not have to foot the bills of the ministry. One of the reasons we have a pastor's appreciation month it keep fresh the truth of the worth of a pastor. We show them the honor they are due.

K and A, Your grandfather and his father and grandfather before him all preached as a bi-vocational pastors. They worked full time to earn money and full time as a pastor. Your great-grandfather preached at several churches on a Sunday and had a radio program, took care of this members, helped around his community and preached sermons during the week at other services, all while farming. He preached the Word so other could find Christ.

When you are asked to give your time... don't demand to know what you get paid or you won't do it. Give as unto the Lord. He will bless you beyond what they can give. Even if they muzzle you and are stingy, work for the wages eternity brings! The Lord will honor you and all those who unselfishly serve him.


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