Sunday, December 16, 2018

Idleness Breeds Sin, 1 Timothy 5:11-15

Idleness Breeds Sin

1 Timothy 5:13 Besides, they get into the habit of being idle and going about from house to house. And, not only do the become idlers, but also gossips and busybodies, and saying things they ought not to.

Idleness is the Devils workshop is a saying from way back. It still hold true today. Many have seen that in their own lives while surfing the web. All kind of evil can be found while doing nothing. Paul warns the young widows here that they will become lazy and start minding other's business if they are provided for and have nothing to do. He also says that some have turned away to follow Satan. That's how dangerous it is!

But, that is not only true for widows. It is true for all those who have nothing to do. This brings crime to cities and high taxes to suburban America and small town, USA. Parents find this to be a problem over the summer with their idle children. There will be trouble in raising children if one does not give credence to this saying.

 A and K, you have experienced this truth in your own life. Reports past due all because you have spent too much time on Facebook. The afternoon disappeared watching TV and your room is a mess... I mentioned minor things, but there are many other things that turn into vile sins all because of idle minds and hands. Many couples have lost their purity spending time alone with nothing to do. This is not just a danger for the wicked sinner. As Paul says, some [Christians] have turned away and followed Satan!

This is possible whether single or married. So daughters, be wise. Be diligent. Watch what you do with your time. Be busy serving God and do not allow yourself to be idle.


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