Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Held To Higher Standard, 1 Timothy 5:19-20

Held To higher Standard

1 Timothy 5:20 Those who sin [leaders, jpb] are to be rebuked publicly, so that the others may take warning.

You want to be a leader, wonderful! Paul says we are to desire the greater gifts, and he says they are to be doubly honored or compensated. That all sounds good, and many who think only of personal desires and accomplishments jump at leadership. But, leaders must not forget that with their high positions comes higher responsibilities. They are held to a higher standard. James says it this way, we who teach will be judged more strictly. This is why Paul says to rebuke the leader who sins publicly. Do not hide their sin or it will hurt the spiritual stability of the church, individuals and will be a bad influence to those in the world. This is why leaders will be judged by God more strictly.

K and A, Sometimes the church hides the sins of their leaders... can anyone say Catholic church? But it happens in many of the denominations.  I know personally of multiple pastors who were moved because of sin to a new pastorate, and the denominational leadership never told the new church that there were any issues... to the new church's detriment. Daughters, your sin matters, and doubly so if you are in leadership. Do not think that your actions do not affect anyone. They do and especially in respect to your witness among the world around you. Sin isn't unforgivable, but it always has consequences and must be dealt with, publicly if you are in leadership. Leaders must be held to a higher standard, but first seek God and his righteousness then all will go well as you lead many in a deeper relationship with Christ.


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