Sunday, December 9, 2018

Spiritual Gifts, 1 Timothy 4:13-14

Spiritual Gifts

1 Timothy 4:14 Do not neglect your gift, which was given you through a prophetic message when the body of elders laid their hands on you.

Timothy was told to use his gift of preaching and teaching of the Scriptures. How did this man become so good and effective as a leader at such a young age? Was he naturally gifted? Did he have great training from the best seminary in the roman world? No, his talent was a God given, Spirit induced talent. It was imparted to him by the elders through the laying on of hands after a prophetic message. Amazing!

K and A, Timothy had to be willing. I would suppose he had natural talent and possibly developed talents as well. One ability he had for sure was one that Grandpa told me I needed after I had graduated and couldn't find any local aircraft maintenance jobs... Looking for God's will in my life to utilize my abilities, he said it is my availability that God is looking for. It is less about what career you choose than it is about doing what God has already asked you to do and being available to do what ever he brings next into your life. God will prepare you for what he has for you to do and will supernaturally provide the talent you need to complete the job.

Young ladies, here is a story that you may have never heard... we once had a special music group at Saville. They had a young daughter, early teenager I suppose, who played the piano incredibly well. When I asked her mother how she got so good, she told me it was a gift of God she received through prayer. Oh, it would be great to play like that, I said in return. The lady then ask me if I wanted her to pray, so I could receive the same gift. I was taken aback and said no. I wasn't ready for all God would have for me if I allowed her to. She was fully serious and I have always wondered since... what would it have been like if I had said yes.

K, I have prayed for your nursing skills but not enough...

A, I have prayed for your piano skills, what a blessing to others and ministry for the Lord you could have...

If each of you are willing to be available for God's service, I will continue to pray, even more diligently than in the past. I am sure Timothy learned to do better in his Spirit given talent, so don't think you have no part in it. What made me a good teacher was God. He took what I had learned and imparted the ability stand before others and develop their minds and wills. I can only speak or teach or even write this stuff if God gives it to me, otherwise I am inept. Yet, when I make myself available for his service, he uses what I have and multiplies it for his glory. And hl do the same for you!


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