Thursday, December 27, 2018

No Lack Of Faith, 1 Timothy 5:23

No Lack Of Faith

1 Timothy 5:23 Stop drinking only water and use a little wine for your stomach because of your stomach and your frequent illness.

Just in time for New Years, a blog post on drinking! As you might guess, I do not condone drinking. But, you may say, Paul seems to be approving of drinking. Over the years, I have heard this verse used in support of drinking alcohol. When young, I thought Paul said to drink wine instead of beer because it was low in alcohol content. I thought that until I talked with my Sunday school teacher who said that wine can have a very high alcohol percentage. Wine usually has an alcohol content between 11 and 16%. This is specifically why water was typically added to wine if one was not to get drunk. Remember, the only way to preserve grape juice in times past was to ferment it. Today, we just "can" it.

But, this is off the point of the verse. If you look at the surrounding verses. Paul is talking about faith; the laying on of hands, keeping pure, not being caught up in the sins of others... like getting drunk. It seems that Timothy was so concerned about not having any appearance of evil he refused to drink alcohol. To me Paul is saying, but Timothy, wine can be medicine and if used responsibly it will solve your stomach issues. It is not a sin, nor a lack of faith in God's power to heal if you take medicine. If there is a simple solution, use it.

K and A, Look at this quick list I put together which relieves upset stomach issues: Tums, Rolaids, Pepto-Bismol, Flatulex, Beano, Prilosec, Nexeum, chamomile tea, peppermint, and so many more. So do you need alcohol to help your stomach, no! Is there more potent medicines out there than wine, certainly. The reason people use this verse is not so they can ease a health issue in their lives. No, there are lots of other medicines that can do that for them. The reason so many want to use this verse is because of the buzz that they get from drinking and they are searching the Scripture for permission to do so.

So, what is on the horizon? Well, the horizon in Pennsylvania is just ahead... We just have to approve marijuana for medical use. It is so necessary. People are suffering.  What they really wanted was legalization of the drug for the "high" that one can get by smoking or eating it. They call it "recreational use". And it is just around the corner. Listen to the news. Soon after Gov. Wolf was re-elected, the push for legalization started. Why didn't he promoted legalization before the election if he thought it was such a great idea. Hmmm, I wonder, not!

It is no lack of faith to take medicines or go to the doctor, but it certainly is a lack of judgement and a strain on godliness to drink alcohol and smoke marijuana or take many other mind altering drugs for the sake of pleasure. Do not get drunk on wine which leads to debauchery, instead be filled with the Spirit. Make it the Spirit, not spirits, ladies.


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