Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Old Wives' Tales 1 Timothy 4:7

Old Wives' Tales

1 Timothy 4:7 Have nothing to do with godless myths and old wives' tale; rather rather train yourself to be godly.

Don't go outside without a coat, you'll catch a cold. Things happens in threes, who will be next to pass away.

These and other sayings have followed us around for years. They used to say to never see the bride before you are married on wedding day or their marriage would not last.(maybe that's why divorce is so rampant today... hmmm, not} Paul says that we should not have anything to do with these falsehoods. He calls them godless myths. You don't have to keep from stepping on cracks in the sidewalk. It's not bad luck. You don't have to go out the same door that you came in and all those silly things, yet it is amazing that people believe that stuff. I do all those things and never have problems... knock on wood.

A and K, I am sure you have heard some of these. The day your mom and I were married we were warned not to go up and ring the bell together. Not because it was dangerous but because we should not see each other before she walked down the isle. Be careful what you put your faith in. It is to be only placed in God, your savior Jesus Christ. Trust him, not some old belief that is godless. He will provide for you and protect you. Put your faith in him, not some old wives' tale!


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