Saturday, December 8, 2018

Young Role Models, 1 Timothy 4:11-12

Young Role Models

1 Timothy 4:8-9 Command and teach these things. Don't let people look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity.

Young, what does that mean? It is like the word, old. If you are old, those younger than you by a few years are young. If young, those older than you are definitely old, until you get to that age. Funny isn't it. Many have made this word young like David being "just a boy", like 13. But that is doubtful (one verse, before calling him a boy, calls him a man). So, let not make every child a leader. That isn't Paul's point.

So what is the point? I believe it is this: some people think that age means maturity, or wisdom. That just isn't true. You can be young and mature. Young people can make wise decisions. It is when you choose God's way and see life through his eyes and act like it that you become mature.

K and A, look at what you should be... since you are young. Because you are a role model for others, you teach or are responsible for their direction. You are an example for them, to guide them. Remember, to some you are old, therefor show your maturity by being godly in speech, life, love, faith, and in purity. Paul said, When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me (1 Cor 13:11).

Certainly, you will never grow up to be a man, but at your "young" ages, you can be godly, young ladies. Maturity is a choice, so choose to be God's woman, holy and full of love and faith, living in purity of life and speech, God's example to the world around you. Then, people will see Christ in you, all grown up, not just older.


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