Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Caring For Family: Parents, 1 Timothy 5:3-5

Caring for Family

1 Timothy 5:3-4 But if a widow has children or grandchildren, these should first of all put their religion into practice by caring for their own family and so repay their parents and grandparents, for this is pleasing to God

Today, there are far too many older folk who sit in some apartment or nursing home without a friend or visitor whom they see on any regular basis. Their only friend is the TV or for some, the internet, or visiting nurse. They are lonely people; they are needy people. Who knows where there family is, some other part of the country or even some other part of the world. They have no concern for their parent or grandparent. That's what social security is for. This is so sad. Many die, alone; many funerals without a family member to notice.

This is wrong! Paul said that to the Christian! He said, put your religion into practice! Care for your parents and grandparents! That's a lot of exclamation points, but its true! If you claim to be a Christian and do not care for your parents, your religion (and for all of today's snowflakes who do not understand the word religion), your relationship with Christ is worthless! Do not call yourself a Christian if you cannot show respect for your parents by repaying them for the time and efforts they spent on you as a baby and beyond! You will never know how much they sacrificed for you! And if you had a parent that was basically worthless, they too need to be cared for. Your life would not be possible if not for them. This is tough to understand for the non-Christian but for those who call themselves Christians, we see things differently and therefor act differently!

K and A, as your parent I certainly do not want you to miss this, a little self serving I suppose. But, it is the truth! You are to care for your parents and even to help out your grandparents. I hurt for the widow(er)s who have no one who looks after them. How sad they must be each day. K, I suppose you see that happen to some at work. Yes, the church is to help those who have no one, but children are to step up and help out. Get over any childish, but he wasn't much of a father to me, you just don't understand attitude. That is not the way of Christ; forgiveness is the way he lived! You must put your religion into practice and be who you are to be in Christ, a caring and loving child, helping out in respect to time and effort, food and shelter, hope and care. You are to be a blessing to them in their final years. Show them you care.


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