Sunday, December 2, 2018

Everything God Created Is Good, Yet... 1 Timothy 4:2-5

Everything God Created Is Good, Yet...

1 Timothy 4:4 For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving,

Everything created by God is good. People who want to follow their own way love this verse. Those who seek to ride the fence separating the new life with that of the world, hang on to scriptures that speak of permissiveness. Why, you may ask? It relieves their conscience. Yet this verse says what it says, and it cannot be denied.It is true, everything God created is good.

So, how do we treat a verse that seems to contradict other parts of Scripture? We adhere to the fact that those things God created are good for our use. Yet as Paul said , all things are permissible but not everything is beneficial nor constructive (1 Cor 10:23). We must be careful about blanket statements, sometime you might lie there and someone will roll over and pull off the covers, brrrr.

K and A, today there is a big push for the legalization of marijuana. Foolishly, many good people are backing that movement. But God said every green plant I give to you! Do not be fooled... go ahead eat poison ivy or pluck a few holly berries and enjoy. Then, if you are still living, quote that verse.

Daughters, God did create good things for us. Each created thing is good for what it has been designed for. There appears to be medical uses for marijuana, that's fine. We use alcohol in different drugs to aid pain management. I do believe that all the things God created can be used for good purposes, however, just because turpentine is made from pine trees and a useful cleaner, don't go around drinking it. We must seek out the purposes of God's creation and use them for his glory!

Be wise, be temperate in things of life and please God in all you endeavor to accomplish. Do so for his honor and glory and not your own self-satisfaction then quote that verse..


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