Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Fit For Life, 1 Timothy 4:8

Fit For Life

1 Timothy 4:8 For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.

Have you joined the judgment free zone? For just a small monthly fee you can have access to all that makes you fit for life. You have 24 hours a day, 7 days a week access to keep you strong and in shape. No longer do you have to feel inadequate or out of shape. You can stand strong and feel confident in all your endeavors. Soon you'll be telling everyone how different you feel just because you took the time each day to rejuvenate yourself. At some point you'll feel so confident, you will bring a friend. Yes that cost a little more, but they too can witness the possibilities first hand. You can help them just like I helped inspire you. You will be fit for life!

K and A, you hear it all the time, don't judge me. They have never entered the judgement free zone. Everything in the above paragraph could apply to a membership to Planet Fitness. But, be assured that a membership there has little long term lasting affect. You see, physical fitness is of little value in the broad scheme of things. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to go to Planet fitness and get in shape. I am getting way to fat and weak, it makes me stiff which makes it hard to accomplish daily tasks. There are way too many church goers who are overweight... no one preaches on gluttony anymore.

But, we all know someone who is a health and fitness nut. It is what consumes them. If you read today's verse you know I am not talking about Planet Fitness, What would happen if we would take the first paragraph and apply it to godliness. Godliness takes a small investment, yet you reap great reward from the workout it takes to get there. How about a half an hour each day to flip through the pages of the Bible. Make the run to church to build your endurance of faith. Why not pullup someone and lift them to begin the journey too.

Daughters, there are way to many fat and lazy Christians, and I am not talking just physically. I am talking spiritually. They let others do the workout while they sit idly by and watch others in action. What they do not realize is that there is very little benefit for them. They wonder why they have no confidence and struggle being holy. They feel tired of life and need rejuvenated, but they aren't willing to do what it takes to become strong. The world presses in and they have no energy to fight sins off.

I want you to be fit and in shape. I want you to be strong and able to work hard, yet that physical training has little value in the scheme of things. You will find that as you get older, physical effort gets harder... but as a fit Christian it is different! The more effort you put into spiritual fitness while young, the more godliness takes over. It becomes easier and easier to accomplish life. Holiness is not just a wish, or some resolution to write down for the new year. No! Holiness becomes a reality! And you will be fit for life and for the life to come!


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